WTF! How the hell can I take a day off from running and then got out for a completely craptastic run this morning??????
The weather condotions were perfect for running , nice and crisp with the sun just coming up over the horizon.......
I turn on the Garmin and 'Locating Satellites' status bar just keeps going......
Okay, no big deal I'll just hit start and it will pick up a signal........
One mile later, no satellites????? That's okay, I'll go old school and just run.......
Remember that gorgeous sunrise???? Well now it's blinding me, where are my sunglasses or visor????
Oh that's right it was dark when I started..... f#$k
Hey is that a twinge in my knee????
Nah, let's keep going.......... we had an off day remember???
Ouch, that's not a twinge anymore. It's starting to hurt, we had better stop!!!!!
Wow, we finally got a signal on the Garmin.......
Okay, we'll walk and see if the pain goes away(I play a doctor on the radio)...........
Let's start running again............. ouch. How far did we make it that time????? Remember I have a signal, Yay!
Okay, so I can run for 200m before the pain starts... let's do the math....
Crap, crap, crap...........
Wordless Wednesday
6 months ago
CRAPPPP! Just one of those off days. Hope the knee is okay!
Oh no!
Ahhh sorry! Hope it clears up quickly for you.
One word--ucky. Not "yucky", "ucky".
If it makes you feel any better, I had a craptastic day at the pool.
yuck on the knee. Been there, done that. Running through it won't make it better. :-(
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