I know that it's the decimal system to blame but we definitely get hung up on this number.
I'm still in training for the 100 push-up challenge, even though I'm happy doing 36!
This weekend I crewed for a friend(Al) as he attempted his first 100 mile ultra!!!!
Now, normally I wouldn't even think of being a part of something this crazy except he helped Sandy in training and pacing for her first 50 mile race.
Why can't they run these races in the city, where you can see people and buy stuff(BEvERages) while you waiting?
Why does an ultra have to be on a trail where a normally agile individual with grace and balance trips over rocks and tree roots just walking????
Anyway, this was going to be a long weekend for Al.......
The race started Friday afternoon and the weather was going to be almost perfect for them. The course was a 16.3 mile loop through the Pinckney Recreation area.
Having a wedding reception to attend I couldn't get out there until Saturday morning.
I heard that going from daylight to darkness was a little freaky for him but he managed to get through it okay. I guess the fact that you're running in the dark with only a headlamp and no other runner in sight can play tricks on the mind.
I thought seeing the 50 mile ultra runners was a horrible sight but the 100 mile ultra runners is beyond that. These people are truly crazy but determined.
I didn't see Al smile once during his last 30 plus miles and he is normally a very happy person.
It became harder to determine when Al would be making it to each checkpoint, since he was doing a lot more walking than running. He went from 15 minute/miles to real slow...........
Once again I acted as if I was the corner man for a boxer, placing the ice bag in places that only a friend would. Making sure that Al had fluids in his fluid vest, ensuring that he was taking in nutrients. All the things that a crew member should do.
It was getting to the point when he was just surviving this 100 mile ordeal. I think his goal time of 24 hours was being replaced with just finishing. I also think having so many friends and family helping may have put more pressure on him to complete this crazy journey that he started the previous day.
Long story short, 27 hours and 42 minutes, Al completed his 100 miles to the cheers and joy of his family and friends....
I can't say if he will attempt another 100 miler but he has convinced me to never attempt anything like that. Damn decimal system............
Wordless Wednesday
6 months ago
Those 100-milers are crazy folk!!! One of the ladiesd I train with just ran her first 2 weeks ago... and this past weekend participated in a 24-hour event on an INDOOR TRACK. (she ran 126K, that's 75 or so miles I think) ... I don't know what would be worse?!
I agree that it seems insane. Yet there a lot of folks attempting it. Crazy!
I like running, but 100 miles in 24 hours is a bit much!
You sound like you were a wonderful pacer and crewmate to Al, who wouldn't have finished without your assistance. Hooray to you both.
I don't think I am cut out for a 100 mile run. I have a friend doing one in January in Oahu, Hawaii and he is in my prayers daily. He is crazier than I am.
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