Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So is anyone out there running nine miles today in honor of the date?

I visited my friendly neighborhood chiropractor yesterday to see if he had the magic bullet for what ails me.

He stretched, pushed, pulled and prodded for about fifteen minutes and I didn't hear one bone crack. We both came to the conclusion that I am extremely tight on my left side (duh)!

I know that some of you have had success with using chiropractors, so I'm not giving up on him yet.
I have another appointment with him on Thursday.

Day 252 was a lot easier, so onward to 365!


Marlene said...

You're a trooper!

Hope the chiro can help loosen things up.

Kim said...

I LOVE my chiropractor. Actually JUST went and saw him. Hope he can get you back on track.

Not running 9 today. Need to save these legs for 26.2 on Friday for 9.11.09 and the Patriot's Run I plan on running.

B.o.B. said...

Surely I ran 9 miles in the pool. Sigh. So boring.

Hope the chiro helps.
