Since I have participants that work on Saturdays, I've been meeting them on Sunday to help them get in their miles.
It helps to keep them motivated and ensure that they're getting in proper fluids and nutrients. So with the help of Sandy, the marathoners did 14 miles and the newbies did three.
So back to back team training days takes it out of this old coach, so a nap was on the horizon.
Why is it that when I want to take a nap and have the opportunity I get a second wind? I even turned on the PGA golf tournament and could close my eyes!
We're getting braced for a possible foot of snow this week, which will mean school closings and terrible road conditions. This also probably means running on the moving belt! ARGHHHHHHHHHH
Last day of January and I'm sure everyone is tallying up their mileage to recap the month. How many more days until Summer?????
Stay thirsty my friends.........