The weather people are predicting six inches of snow on Friday for the mitten area, so I knew I had to get out and run today. I had a miserable run Tuesday evening. My surgically altered right knee started acting up for no apparent reason and I could never get into a rhythm. It’s not like I’m putting in a ton of miles or doing weekly speedwork and hill training! Hell, I’m not even doing tempo runs.
I’m almost to the point where I don’t even like running. You remember when you were a kid and if someone didn’t like you, well you’d just reciprocate and not like them.
So needless to say, I wasn’t looking forward to running today. I even got light-headed putting on my running shoes from eating junk last night. But I knew I had to get out and put in some miles, even if was only two!
Well the first few minutes of a solo run are always the worst for me. That’s where everything is getting accustom to the bouncing and pounding, so I’ve come to expect it.
My knee was throbbing a little but not enough to make me stop, and then my Ipod ran out of juice. Now all I could hear was some old guy’s heavy breathing, but it didn’t make me stop.
The colder temps and headwind made me reconsider why I was out running but it wasn’t enough to make me stop.
I reached my turn-around point and was feeling great! I was actually having a good training run. I was maintaining a good heart-rate, I wasn’t over-striding and the sun even came out. It was like the cartoon where the birds and other animals frolic along side of you while you’re running.
I know it was just the Running gods having a little fun with me. They just want to get my hopes up so I’ll think I can go further and faster. I’m on to their little joke, but it did feel great!
Wordless Wednesday
7 months ago