Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Try athlete

With the ever increasing price of gas and a thirty plus mile one-way trip into work, I joined a carpool. Now the only reservations I initially had about joining was the time they headed into work. They meet at 5:30 AM in the morning to go to work! That used to be the time of morning I would go pee!

I'm not a big fan of early morning. Sandy loves the morning and can get more done before 7:00 AM than I can in an entire day. So the frugal part of me took over and I agreed to join in.

Day One-

I'm the first person in the office from my department and I still need to shower and shave. Fortunately we have shower facilities in the company gym. When I mentioned that I was shutting down, it wasn't completely from exercising, just giving my knees a break. So since I was at work before 6:00 AM, I could partake in the 6:30 AM spinning class. Wow, what a way to start the day, I was sweating before breakfast. I feel great, that was really refreshing.

Since this was Tuesday, it meant EXTREME Boot Camp Torture class at lunch. You should do a lookup of the word torture, it pretty much sums up the class. That great feeling has now left and I'm ready for a nap.

Two classes and it's not even time to go home. Hey I can't go home, I have to run with my downtown group....Arghhhhhhhhhh

Okay, it wasn't pretty and it probably doesn't count as a run but I jogged along at the back of the pack wishing I was dead. I had nothing left, I was through, kaput, finito, done, stick a fork in me!

What made me think I would be able to do anything other than have a few adult BEvERages?

Hey, does this make me a triathlete?


Libbie said...

Of COURSE this makes you a triathlete. Just reading this makes me tired. Good luck with the carpool!

Lily on the Road said...

Spinning, jogging and napping does a Triathlete make, LMAO,

However, combine that with BEvERages and I may reconsider!!!
