Well, the 2008 summer Team in Training season officially ended with the Mayor's Marathon and ½ Marathon in
Non-running item alert! One of my co-workers became an American citizen over the weekend, so it was a celebratory feeling around the office yesterday. Can you imagine if you had to be admitted to this country instead of just being born here to become a citizen?
I'm sure that a lot of us have read or seen stories of third-world nations and the unbearable living conditions. So I'm giving a big plug to Engineers Without Borders (EWB) - a non-profit humanitarian organization established to partner with developing communities worldwide in order to improve their quality of life. This partnership involves the implementation of sustainable engineering projects. The
Running item - my knees feel great because I'm not running!
You know what's sad is that most peeps in this country (me included) would fail those tests they give to peeps who want to become citizens.
Marcy is right
No wonder everyone else in the world thinks we are Dumb Americans...
congrats to your coworker friend!
my foot feels great because i'm not running!! sad. i'm going to have to change my blog name.
Congrats to your coworker, I had a Green Card Lottery pop up on my screen yesterday, mmmmmm
Enjoy your 5K in August!! Sounds like a worthy cause.....
Wish I was there for the 5K! I hear its pretty hot&humid there right now!
Congrats to your co-worker!!
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