Hi, my name is Ken and I'm STUPID.
How many of you can participate in a race and not race?
Why can't there be such a thing as a fun run?
Okay, one of our local running clubs puts on a 5k trail race, conveniently on a Thursday evening. My intentions were to support the club and get in three miles.
Hi, my name is Ken and I'm STUPID.
I purposely started in the back of the pack, so I wouldn't be tempted.
Hi, my name is Ken and I'm STUPID.
The trails were a combination of small moguls and soft sand, both of which are great for my knees and hamstring (NOT)!
Hi, my name is Ken and I'm STUPID.
Why can't I just let people pass me and not take it personally? Oh, that's right........
Hi, my name is Ken and I'm STUPID.
Fast forward to the last mile and my hamstring is yelling at me, but I can't just stop!
Hi, my name is Ken and I'm STUPID.
I finish and immediately dash to the car to get home and ICE all the usual suspects. Boy, didn't we have a good time...................
Hi, my name is Ken and I'm STUPID.
Wordless Wednesday
5 months ago
What can I say?? Have an adult BEvERage and make it go away???
Hi Ken. lol. hope the hammy feels better soon.
It's not stupidity; it's competitiveness and I think we all are like that!
I think it's just in our nature...
Haha, hope it's at least feeling better! I need some of your competitive spirit :-). And that photo? Priceless!
Hi, My name is Ken and I am a man. But some women I know would say man = stupid. Some of those women mmight be right.
LOL, really and truly I do hope that you are feeling better. I have done some stupid things in my day as well.
Now I know why we do such things - our brain is small ; )
Hi Ken. We welcome you here. We are also stupid. I've been stupid for about 200 days now and I just can't seem to break it. Best of luck on your journey to smarts. ;)
LOL Ken! Just competitive, not stupid. But maybe we all need more common sense from time to time...
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