Day two without drugs and I think I can handle the pain. All I need to do is combine the alcohol with ice and everything will be okay.
Today I decided to go to the track for a softer surface to run on. Boy am I smart or what?
Well it helped and I was able to complete my workout. Now I'm sitting at work with an ice bag on both knees. Don't you just love running?
I can't wait to introduce this lovely activity to more individuals. Misery truly does love company.
Wordless Wednesday
4 months ago
You poor thing. Take care of yourself.
Gotta love the expressions and comments I get from co-workers during the times I've had to ice at work, or keep my leg somehow elevated while sitting at the computer, or wearing a tensor...they just don't seem to "get" why we do this. :)
Hope your pain goes away!
hahaha you made me laugh! And are totally right about misery loving company! Geez, how many of us are injured in some way or another?? Totally insane!
BTW I will be back in Windsor from the 17-23 Oct.... we should arrange a run or smth!! I could take the bus across the border and meet somewhere... or you could want to run the waterfront in Canada.... Let me know if you are interested!!!
I know what you mean about the drugs! I had to cut it out too since I was taking 800 mgs of Advil every four hours...ugh. Would you go see my acupuncturist? She's in Ferndale and works wonders and I think she can help with the pain!
Just catching up now Ken, holy doodle, you've had a tough go of it haven't you?
Look after yourself....but don't take the ice from your BEvERage to ice your leg with, that would be a waste of good ice LOL...
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