Friday, August 15, 2008

I Remember When......

I remember when I would go to lunch with co-workers and have a few cocktails.

I remember when Happy Hour was a few cocktails after work.

I remember when my only exercise was any sport that include a few cocktails

I remember when you could have a few cocktails and not worry about the next day effect.

I remember when people would invite me to go play golf and have a few cocktails afterwards.

I remember when Friday evening was the start of the weekend.

Boy, it sure is good to be in shape......................


Lily on the Road said...

I was thinking about all of that last night while I was having a glass of red wine....

Jess said...

I like #3.

Sonia said...

I had a big drinking night on Thursday and Friday I just wanted to die on the couch... so yeah no more of that silyness lol

Sonia said...

I had a big drinking night on Thursday and Friday I just wanted to die on the couch... so yeah no more of that silyness lol

CoachLiz said...

Just keep telling yourself that alcohol turns to fat in the body and that should keep you away from the cocktails.

Margaritas and Mojitos are only allowed after a big race where I have burned more than 2500 calories.

Stick with it! You going to San Antonio for the marathon???

Motownrunner said...

i was at the bike shop the other day and the mechanic had a tattoo on his leg to commemorate the day he stopped drinking. it was something like S010101 (sober since jan. 1, 2001). he said it was a good reminder anytime he felt weak. i personally hate the day after drinking!! i don't bounce back like i used to!!!
