Sunday, August 24, 2008

Oh my aching head.....

We started immediately after the 10 mile race was completed, which had to be around 10:30 AM.

Since it was a thousand degrees outside the BEvERages went down too fast!

We followed this up with a night of listening to the 'Roosters and a Chick' one of our Tuesday evening runners band.

Now I paying for it, running with a hangover and in the heat!!!

Y do eye dew it?


Jess said...

I ask myself that all the time...

Lily on the Road said...

Ey carumba, that's one mean looking party hangover....splints and all, YIKES...

tfh said...

Oh, yeah, that deadly combination. Hope as soon as the hangover is gone you look back and the fun was worth the punishment!

Marcy said...

Where did you get that picture of me? :P

Pat said...

I never get invited to the good parties. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Sonia said...

Geez you sure you look different naked lol hahaha

Good god you partied like it was 1999!!!
