Saturday, January 31, 2009 7 comments

TNT 2009 Summer Team

What a blast we had in 12º temperature with wind! I have never heard so many people mention that they've never run outside in the Winter than today.

I expected to see a lot of them standing on the path until it began to move but I have a group of treadmill runners that enjoyed being outside.

A few of them were overdressed so I played personal valet collecting clothes as we ran.

This is always an awkward time for me because I always feel like I'm neglecting my Spring team a little. Is this what mothers go through with their kids when they're little?

We're suppose to experience a one day heatwave tomorrow with the high reaching 37º. I'll probably go out in shorts and a tank top!

Milrose games are on the tube if you need some inspiration.

Okay, time to get going with Saturday.
Friday, January 30, 2009 8 comments


I can honestly say that the running, spinning, weight training, and Extreme classes are all fun but they take a toll on this old body!

When Friday finally rolls around, I can't wait to get a day to sleep in and enjoy doing nothing physical. But alas, that doesn't happen.

Since we have TNT group training on Saturday, I have only one day out of seven to awaken without an alarm clock.

I'm constantly reminded that our generation is far more active than our parent's generation, but at what cost? When will my addiction to endorphins end? I'm one of the last of a group of runners that started over 25 years ago. I'm the elder statesman in too many of the exercise classes that I attend.

Just as the professional athlete says, 'when it no longer fun, I'll hang up my shoes, bike, gloves....'

So, thank God it's Fun.........
Thursday, January 29, 2009 6 comments

Going in Circles.........Again

After doing a morning spinning class and then my favorite EXTREME class on Wednesday, I was beat up. But we still ran and it was ugly!

Can someone tell me again why I'm doing this?

We had out 2009 Summer Kick-off last night and it's always great to get a brand new batch of participants to train. I bet I could have got some of them to run last night, the energy and enthusiasm was so high.

We got more snow in our area but it's a good thing. The ski resorts should be doing a booming business and the Great Lakes will be at a higher level because of it. See, I can accentuate the positives...

I went in search of dry pavement at lunchtime and ended up running laps around Comerica Park, home of the Detroit Tigers. I'm not sure why they plow around the ballpark but I didn't complain.

Now I have to convince a group of newbies that running outside is a glorious experience...

Our first group training run is this Saturday, with a low of 10 degrees.....
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 8 comments

More Weather News

I just received this email:

Issued at: 11:42 AM EST 1/27/09, expires at: 8:00 PM EST 1/27/09

Winter weather advisory remains in effect from 10 pm this evening to 1 pm est Wednesday,
A winter weather advisory for snow remains in effect from 10 pm this evening to 1 pm est Wednesday.
Snow will develop this evening, then continue tonight, before tapering off from west to east tomorrow morning. Total snowfall accumulations of 3 to 6 inches are expected. The greater snowfall amounts are expected to accumulate across the far southeastern portions of the county.
Precautionary/preparedness actions,
A winter weather advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities, and use caution while driving.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 6 comments

It's in The Fifties

That's right, it's 55 degrees but in my house!

The furnace went out last night, so I'm blogging in gloves, hat and three layers while I wait on the furnace magician.

I guess this is what happens when you bitch about the weather, which I will refrain from doing going forward.

We're expecting a winter advisory tonight which should make for great ski conditions! I'll just add another layer when I go out for my run. Boy am I glad that I'll get another reason to use my snow blower.

It's all about attitude.

Time to get in a few more laps around the dining room table.
Monday, January 26, 2009 6 comments

Yay it's Monday...

That title was sarcasm and should be duly noted. Our friends from the southern portion of the country are probably getting tired of weather reports on running blogs Pat....

Even though we have wind chills below zero and only seen the freezing mark twice in the past few weeks, we're still running outside!

We had out weekly TNT group training and the folks did fantastic. We were schedule for eleven miles but our park is a six mile loop and I couldn't have them not complete two loops...

Once again any type of liquid freezes up, so I had to supply fluids from the warmth of the car. You can get some evil looks from cold runners, I even had the music up loud so they could hear it.

I read that Pat ended his streak of consecutive days of running at 27 days. He inspired me to get out and run everyday and I have. Not sure when it's going to end but I know that it has changed my mindset for the better.

I say that because Sunday was a day that I didn't want to fight the elements and could have easily got on the trainer and called it a day. I remember when Katrina hit the South, I promised that I would not complain about snow and cold. None of us has been rescued from our rooftops or corralled into the Pontiac Silverdome for shelter. SO bring it on Old Man Winter because I have miles to run outside.

See ya on the road..........
Sunday, January 25, 2009 9 comments

Will This Never End???

Dear Old Man Winter,

I Hate you.


TNT Coach Ken
Friday, January 23, 2009 8 comments

I had a Nooner.......

How could I not go out and run at lunchtime today. We actually had temps over the freezing mark!

The sun made a cameo appearance, so I laced up my shoes and headed out.

We have a group of runners at work that think wearing shorts in these colder temps is macho but I'm too old for that type of $hit!

The downside is the snow melting and making some huge puddles to jump over but we were outside in the sun...

I also finally received my Toasty Toes and not a day too soon. Seems like we're headed for highs in the teens again. I'll be giving a review on hoe effective they were.
Thursday, January 22, 2009 5 comments

Mentor or Coach

Now that the holidays are behind us and the kids are back to school without any breaks or field trips, I get to mentor again.

I got lucky today and we only had to deal with decimal numbers. I can handle addition, subtraction and multiplication.

My kids (Stacy) is pretty quiet and just keeps his nose to the grind when it comes to doing his school work. I have to actually stop him periodically just to discus what's happening in his life. I'm sure I was the same as him when I was his age, but why don't little boys care about clean finder nails and stuff like that?

We had a discussion about hygiene and then it was back to the books. I found that just like coaching you need to throw in a few twist to ensure that they're getting the reasons behind the answers. Overall Stacy is a really smart kid.

My co-worker Len is on the mend. He was released from the hospital in less that a week after having quadruple by-pass surgery. It's unbelievable that you're out so soon. He'll have another few weeks before he can actually get back to work.

His doctors have told him no more marathons, which I'm sure he'll disobey.....

Okay, I'm header out for a run. It's a heatwave here, we're almost at 32º.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 2 comments

Wednesday's Why?????

Why does this euphoric feeling of optimism have to end?

I can't remember a recent time when it's appeared like this.

Have we been beaten down so much as a country?

Let's hope it continues.

Why does a 6:30 AM spinning class make you feel so refreshed and the noon EXTREME class make you want to puke?
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 4 comments

Lunch with a splash of Sunshine

No that wasn't me today but I have been tempted!

I got out with my faster co-workers for a lunchtime run.

Now we had a route planned and the pace was suppose to be moderate but the testosterone was too strong.

Why is it that when one runner surges the others follow?

I was able to shortcut the planned route and get back to work without dying. Note to self, stop running with the faster, younger co-workers.....

This is the last week of TNT informational meetings, so we can get down to some training.....

It's been an amazing day and I hope it only gets better for the country. God Bless America............
Monday, January 19, 2009 6 comments

Happy MLK Day

Sunday, January 18, 2009 4 comments

Mall Sunday

No, I'm not going to the mall to shop. We got dumped on with about six inches of snow, so the road are a a mess.

I started my day off with a little cross training of blowing and shoveling snow. Not to over exert myself. I took several breaks which only prolonged the task. I even used the roof rake to get the white crap off of the roof.

In the past, this would have been a day to just go into the basement and get on the trainer but no, I run everyday!

The run around the mall parking lot was icy in some parts but overall they do a great job clearing it. I think some of the patrons question if I'm a running from a crime that I just pulled off. I guess the cap and sunglasses make me look a little suspicious.

I spoke with Sandy this morning and she was just getting her TNT team to the start line for the PF Chang 1/2 and full marathon, of course it's going to be hot and sunny out in Arizona.

Okay, time for some football........

Go Packers, oh I forgot.
Saturday, January 17, 2009 8 comments

WTF; OMG; LOL..........

The title describes this morning's TNT group training.

I knew it was going to be cold but not -9º...... (WTF)

To ensure the safety of everyone, we ran out and back to a warming room at the park. The most any of them ran out was 1 1/2 miles.

It's amazing how negative air temps can take your breath away. It was tough to run at a slow pace! (OMG)

Everyone kept hydrated because they were still losing body fluids even in this weather. It got to the point where everyone had some form of frost on their heads. (LOL)

So now I'm starting to get feeling back in my toes and we're getting more snow. This has been the winter from Hell and we still have February to go.

Sandy mentioned that the high was near 80º in Arizona....... Why didn't I go? Oh yeah, it cost money....

Stay warm everyone, except Jess..........
Friday, January 16, 2009 6 comments
Here is a picture of my new Toasty Toes insole.... According to the advertisement, testers have stood barefoot on a block of dry ice (with a surface temperature of—106°!), while the top of the insoles stayed at +72°. These babies are going to be a lifesaver.

We got word that my co-worker Len is out of intensive care and moving about. He must be doing really good because there is a good chance he'll be going home this weekend! Can you imagine that, by-pass surgery on Monday and going home on the weekend?

We're getting into some serious cold weather, they're closing schools! I may even have to move my BEvERages from the garage into the house......

So today will be another day of indoor track running for me. We have a group training run tomorrow morning, so I'll have to bite the bullet and brave the elements.

Happy Friday.........
Thursday, January 15, 2009 5 comments

Toasty Toes

Okay enough of hte complaining about the weather!

I'm actually going to do something.

I ordered a pair of toasty toe insoles that claim to keep your feet warm in the coldest of temps.

I know that my feet get cold in normal winter weather, so this Alberta Clipper crap that we're encountering is brutal on them.

Hopefully they'll be shipped in a week.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 4 comments

It Hurts

Note to self: Monday's EXTREME class is still fresh in my aching legs, don't go back!

Today was a 6:30 AM spinning class knowing I would be running and going to EXTREME class at lunch.

I hate burpees!

We did burpees....

I can't walk, it hurts.......

This sucks and it f^#king freezing outside.

Ha, I have a TNT STretching clinic tonight.... time to go act like it doesn't hurt.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 5 comments

Wednesday's Why?????

Why exercise????

Even though we are predisposed with a generic makeup that may of may not benefit us, we can alter some things.

When some of my co-workers heard about Len's surgery, the question of why exercise came up. What good does it do when even a dedicated runner has to have heart surgery

Well it must have done Len some good because he had 80% blockage in four arteries but only 2% damage to his heart.

We're speculating that his exercise regiment helped to prevent more damage to his heart. Hopefully it will also speed up his recovery.

Since the entire country is in a arctic freeze except for Jess in Florida, I did a few 1/4 mile repeats on the indoor track. It's not the same as outdoors, especially when you throw in the walkers that walk three abreast!! Argh....................

So even if I someday run off into the sunset with dementia and never return, I'll be healthy.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 10 comments

Tuesday Thoughts

Stuff going through my mind........

We have a group of co-workers that run on a regular basis and makes for a healthier atmosphere to work in.

Well one of the older(60) runners is having quadruple bypass surgery today. He had been struggling the past week to maintain a consistent pace in his training runs and was having chest pains. He was actually taking a stress test when the doctors determined he needed the surgery.

So we're all hoping for a successful surgery and recovery for Len. I would be the oldest runner if he doesn't come back!

Why is it that when I talk to someone about ailments that I start to get sympathy aches and pains?

We got more snow, so I'll be inside running today on the God-forsaken track. The temps are heading south of zero in the next few days.

If we call it an Alberta Clipper, what do they call the same thing in Alberta?

I ran a mile before EXTREME class yesterday because I knew I wouldn't be able to afterwards.

Class consisted of five rounds:

20 Barbell Cleans
30 Wallballs w/ 20 lb ball
30 extensions

Now I remember why my body aches all of the time.
Sunday, January 11, 2009 11 comments

Snow and An Artic Freeze?

No, that's not me but it could be. We were able to get in our weekly TNT group training but as soon as we finished the snow started. It snowed all day and into the night. We were suppose to go to two parties but opted to stay inside safe and warm.

It's funny that Sandy could be in Orlando but she's taking her team to Arizona next weekend, so she has to suffer through this stuff, unlike Kimpossible. Kim is doing th Goofy Challenge(crazy woman)!

Okay, time to blow snow into my neighbor's driveway and then head to the mall to get in some parking lot laps.....
Friday, January 9, 2009 5 comments

Squeeze in a Run

Since we're scheduled to get bombarded with snow for the afternoon ride home. I had to get in a mile on the indoor track at work.

Meetings made it impossible to go longer but the streak makes it necessary.

I also realized how much I hate that track. I'm a track whore!!!

That's right, I admit it. I'll sell my workout just to run near someone on the track.

Tomorrow should be fun, trudging through the white stuff with the team.

Good luck to all of the bloggers doing Disney. I hope you took sunscreen.
Thursday, January 8, 2009 5 comments

An Ode to Michigan Running

The sun came out and I ran..................................
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 7 comments

Wednesday's Why?????

Okay this one is personal but still a question.

Why is the Christmas Tree still up?

Did I mention that I hate streaks? Thanks Pat for getting me started.

That's sarcasm!

...and yes Marlene, the streak is alive.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 5 comments

Crunch Time

No, I'm not talking about sit ups. I've been swamped at work today and I have a TNT event to go to this evening.

Where am I going to find the time to run?

Is the streak in jeopardy?

I'm hoping to get in a few laps around my cubicle desk before I leave.

I think 5,434 laps equals a mile..............
Monday, January 5, 2009 3 comments

I'm Running, I think..........

It was a brutal EXTREME class today and I'm still feeling it. We had four rounds of the following:

Thrusters - 20 reps
Walking lunges w/Weights (length of basketball court)
Pushups with dumbbells - 30
Walking lunges w/Weights (length of basketball court)
Renegade Rows - 20 reps

My shoulders and upper body hurts........

So once I got home I knew the sun was shining and I had at least 1/2 hour of daylight left.

So the streak continues and I hate it! Just kidding but I know one day something is going to happened, but until that day comes, I'll run.
Monday, January 5, 2009 7 comments

Still Going Strong

That's right the streak is still alive. Can you believe it four consecutive days of running for this old geezer?

I actually had to run in freezing rain on Sunday to keep the streak going. It was so bad that I had to walk out of our sub-division because the road was ice covered.

This week begins with an ton of Team in Training events. I have an alumni event and the informational meetings start also.

Luckily, I have my resolution word 'organize' to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Can you believe that the holidays are over and I have to work and entire five days?

Someone mentioned that our next official day off is Memorial Day! That's like a thousand weeks from now.....
Saturday, January 3, 2009 7 comments

Oh Happy Day

You would have thought I asked them to run up this! Just kidding, we had a great run this morning that included a few hills and quite a bit of small ups and downs.

We even had the park police chastise a few of the team. I told them to always run in different directions if the police stopped them.

You would have thought we were gang members.....

One participant commented on running 8 miles on flat land as opposed to what we did today. It almost brought a tear to my eye...

This team is going to be sooooooooooooooo ready for their events, even if it kills them (jk)...

Of course I got in a few miles with them to keep my streak for 2009 alive. This is what I hate about running streaks, they make you run.....

We're scheduled to get freezing rain tonight, stay tuned...........
Friday, January 2, 2009 4 comments

The Number Two

That's right, I've run every day this year! I got off my butt yesterday and braved the elements and then the sun made an appearance today, which meant I had to get in some miles again.

Kara at Between the Miles mentioned a one word resolution and I'm going to try it. My one word resolution for 2009 is 'organize'. I'm hoping that this carries over to every aspect of my life for 2009.

Tomorrow, it's back to TNT training and I'm sure everyone on the team will be thrilled to see what I have planned for them, can you say hills?

Okay, I'm going into the office on my vacation to get a little better 'organized' before the start of next week.
Thursday, January 1, 2009 7 comments

Reasons not to Run

Day one of 2009 and I'm sittitng around watching Nickelodeon instead of running. It's cold and the ground is covered with snow, but I'm headed out.......