Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday's Wisdom, I think..........

Okay, I've finally have come out of my football funk! I actually haven't seen ESPN since Sunday!

It was tough but I did it.....

I didn't want to post about the Olympic Trials or all the local folks that attended and participated in events the following Sunday.

I wanted to sulk and have my pity party.....

I wonder if this is what Dathan and Amy were feeling like this past Saturday????

I even had two local friends take first and fifth overall in the Louisiana marathon, how cool is that?

But then I watched the Biggest Loser last night and came away with a real piece of wisdom. The one woman was competing against another doing burpees and lost.  I can relate....

But what she did afterward and how she handled it made me realize I could handle my situation too.

She accused the other woman of cheating and that's what I'm doing.

The New York Giants cheated...............


Kerrie said...


Amber said...

I got all choked up watching Dathan's finish. I wanted to jump through the TV and give him a hug.

Joanna said...

Isn't football over yet? I mean seriously, it's a FALL SPORT as far as I'm concerned. Why are they still playing?!??

o2bhiking said...

Clearly, no other possible explanation.

Cool about your friends in the LA Marathon.

Run Jess Run said...

