My little Garmin footpod is fantastic! It actually almost makes running on the treadmill enjoyable!
Nah what am I talking about, it isn't that great but I do have my heart-rate and mile splits recorded in Garminese........
I still need to calibrate it because I'm losing approximately .02 per mile.
Isn't that crazy that I would care about .02 of a miles?????
I think the entire country is expecting warmer temps in the next week, so everyone will be out frolicking in shorts and T-shirts!!!
Remember, it's still the cold and flu season.....
Sandy is down in Dade City, Florida doing a 50k in the Dances with Dirt series. She wants to complete the series to get her 'belt buckle' for doing all four in the series. Damn, we are a different breed of people.....
We have to make a decision on whether we participate in the Make-A-Wish 300 mile bike ride or the Great Lakes Relay and run across Michigan???
Doesn't that sounds like a great vacation????
Okay there no football on television, so I guess this weekend will be void of sports!
Maybe I'll read a book?
Stay thirsty my Friends.
Wordless Wednesday
7 months ago
Garmin footpod?? Ok I gotta go see what that is.
i would like to see a relay bike ride across lake michigan.
Can you send me a link or something? I can't seem to find it on Garmin.
And heck yes those 0.02s add up!
Happy Weekend!!!
If you really might consider reading a book...Hunger Games is an awesome read (and it's fast and easy too).
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