Doctor, it hurts when I do this?
Well stop doing that! Rim-shot.......
As I get older, I'm making more appointments with individuals in the medical professions.
My teeth, eyes and overall body have been functioning pretty good for a guy my age!
I'm starting to hate the phrase, 'guy your age'...................
I asked the doctor about my running times getting slower and he told me why in his own medical jargon, "you're getting old'!
I'm not sure when it happened but I find that the pain of training isn't as desirable as it used to be. I'm having arguments with myself on why we need to got that extra miles or finish another set of exercises.
That's when I think about those other 'guys my age'.............
Punished myself and had a good hang-over run on Monday. Boy it was tough, the world was turning and my head kept falling into the snow.
Okay, back to our regularly scheduled life.............
Stay thirsty my friends.
Wordless Wednesday
6 months ago
29 is not THAT old!
I stopped going to the doc because of the old, well stop doing it and go home and take motrin.. wow and they get paid for that!
I've got 3 appointments in the next 2 weeks. I hear ya!
hey i'm in my mid-20's and in and out of the doctor's offices... don't feel too bad :)
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