Thursday, May 27, 2010 8 comments

Three Things Thursday

Yay! It's my virtual Friday!!! Bring on the holiday weekend.........

1) We had a TNT track workout in 85º and sunshine and people showed up!!! WTF???? I tried telling them to not go out so fast but who listens to the coach??? By the third set most of the times were dramatically slower and the recovery portions longer. When will they learn???

2) I am down eight pounds in the Biggest Loser contest at work! This is almost becoming fun in a competitive way. I'm actually making good food choices because of the contest. Who knew?

3) I am going to make a conscious effort to get in my 64 fluid ounces of water each day! I have a water bottle at work, I'm bringing in G2 and I have a lemon to add some flavor. So now I expect to make more trips to the restroom, can I log them in my daily mileage???
Wednesday, May 26, 2010 5 comments

Wednesday's Why????

I will not complain about the weather, I will not complain about the weather, I will not complain about the weather!!!

As Nelly once said, "it's getting hot in here".........

Another warm day and I missed my early morning run due to early meetings at work!!! Now I'll have to brave the heat and get in some slower miles.

Why is it that I can run 26.2 miles but hate walking 3/4 miles to the grocery store?

I've come to the conclusion that I am walking around constantly dehydrated. I was talking to a friend and it dawned on me that I didn't have any fluids during the day at work!!!

Give me some ideas to get fluids in me! They won't let me drink beer at work,, the MAN always wants to keep me down..........
Monday, May 24, 2010 4 comments

It's Gittin' Hot in Here..........

We are having some gorgeous weather and I want to be out in it constantly!

I'm talking about temps in the eighties for a lunchtime run!!!!! No, I'm getting my runs in before work and it is absolutely beautiful that time of morning. Now mind you, I'm not a real morning person but it's a great way for me to clear my head and get energized for the work day.

We had our last TNT team training run for the group doing one of our local events in Traverse City, Michigan. It never fails as the season comes to an end the team gets smaller and I get to keep everyone together and we talk about everything that transpired over the season.

Hey, I'll actually be able to sleep in on Saturdays and stay up later than the ten year old neighbor girl! I'm really finding sleep to be a value commodity in my training....

Does anyone else get more than seven hours of sleep?

I'll be one of the coaches on the course next Saturday in Traverse City, trying to inspire the participants to glory. This will be my one and only event for 2010, so I'm going to make the most of it and probably do a lot more miles than normal.

Okay, time to get out and work on my tan..............
Thursday, May 20, 2010 4 comments

Three Things Thursday

1) The weather is forecast to be Summer-like in the high-five state. That's sunshine and blue skies and a chance to work on my tan for the next week!

2) We had an awesome track workout yesterday with alumni form different years coming out to get in on the fun. It was a little warm and I could see their times starting to slow, so being the good coach, we cut the session short and didn't run the last 400. Boy, I'm too nice to them.........

3) I'm thinking of strategically scheduling some rest and relaxation vacations days for the summer. I'm talking about going to the park and running, cycling and picnicking. I'm going to try and enjoy as much of the summer as possible. Is that Christmas decoration in the Macy's window???
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 2 comments

Wednesday's Why????????

Our local area has the pleasure of having quite a few specialized running stores that really help the running community. One of those shops is the Hanson's Running Shop where we hold our Team in Training clinics.

They also oversee group training runs and speedwork sessions for runners of all abilities!

So last night I just happened to have a open time slot in my busy schedule and decided to join in on the fun of speedwork!

So, there lies my question of the day, 'what the hell was I thinking?'.....................

Why did I have the need to punish myself and run like I was in shape???

Actually is was almost fun and I got an opportunity to see a bunch of older running friends that I hadn't seen in months. It is truly amazing what we'll go through to shave a few seconds or minutes off of our race times.

On another note, I noticed that Nathans sells 'Power Shower Refreshing Wipes', aren't those called 'Baby Wipes'.......

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 1 comments

Weekend Recap

Okay, I know that today is Tuesday but Monday was a complete bust for me!

Remind me to never party with my TNT teams, oh my aching head!!!!!

Finally got out to a Detroit Tigers baseball game and it was a terrible game. The Red Sox had two runs before we had sat in our seats. I'm amazed at the number of people that bring cameras to baseball games. I forgot mine, stupid me.........

Saturday was one of the last group runs for my spring team and the beginning of the Fall 2010 team. Here's a photo of Sandy's group of newbies.

The interesting thing about this photo is the blue sky and sunshine. We've been having rain and wind almost every weekend!

It still makes me smile to see the looks on the faces of the newbies when they have their first group run. Now I remember why I come back each year.

Okay, I need a nap! I wonder how many brain cells did I kill????????????

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 1 comments

Weekend Recap

Okay, I know that today is Tuesday but Monday was a complete bust for me!

Remind me to never party with my TNT teams, oh my aching head!!!!!

Finally got out to a Detroit Tigers baseball game and it was a terrible game. The Red Sox had two runs before we had sat in our seats. I'm amazed at the number of people that bring cameras to baseball games. I forgot mine, stupid me.........

Saturday was one of the last group runs for my spring team and the beginning of the Fall 2010 team. Here's a photo of Sandy's group of newbies.

The interesting thing about this photo is the blue sky and sunshine. We've been having rain and wind almost every weekend!

It still makes me smile to see the looks on the faces of the newbies when they have their first group run. Now I remember why I come back each year.

Okay, I need a nap! I wonder how many brain cells did I kill????????????

Thursday, May 13, 2010 6 comments

Three Thing Thursday

Now I'm beginning to believe in all of those satellites in space affecting our weather! We're getting more rain than you can shake a stick at! (just wanted to use that expression, who shakes sticks at rain?).

1) Toilet seat protectors? After using about 3,283 Porta-Johns with God knows what in and on them, this thin sheet of paper is going to do what for me?

2) Counting Calories - I've always just put any thing I desired into my pie hole and didn't take into consideration the good or bad of eating. Someone sent me the link to CalorieCount ( and it's scary to see the nutritional data that you can get from your daily consumption. Who knew I was short on Potassium???

3) I'm looking at my running calendar for May and I haven't had a rest day in quite a while. Do you use the same day of the week as your rest day or do you mix it up on how your body feels?

If this dam rain continues this will definitely be a rest day for me.....
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4 comments

Wednesday's Why

Okay I did brave the elements and run in rain, wind and colder temps yesterday and it wasn't that bad. The one thing that I was worried about was the automobile traffic on the streets, since no driver expected to see an idiot out running!

I do a lot of my running on either subdivision roads or two lane roads, so I'm always aware of the danger of being nudged off the road. (I refuse to say hit by a car)......

The one thing that has always fascinated and puzzled me is 'why is it when there is absolutely no traffic on the road and two vehicles approaching in opposite directions, always meet at the precise point that I running?'

It never fails and I end up running on the shoulder of the road on a 30 degree angle....

Why is it that when you only have a limited time to get your run in, you always feel like you can run forever?

Why do we believe a pair of running shoes only last 500+ miles????

I'm starting to see some major changes in my physique because of my weight loss.

Of course I have to squint my eyes and stand in one spot where the light hits me in front of the mirror and be turned with my right side facing the mirror and exactly 4 1/2 feet from the mirror.

Do you have a favorite mirror too???????????
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7 comments

Don't B*tch to Me..........

Okay, there have been a few of us in Blogland complaining about the wind and how much we hate running in it!

Well Mother Nature must be following us via Google Reader because now I have wind, cold and rain......... Ekkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

You know that cold that just gets into your bones and makes it almost impossible to ever get warm again?

That rain that feels like pellets as it pierces your skin with every step that you take?

The wind that makes the rain come down sideways and you end up straining your neck and shoulders because you have to run with your head down the entire time, both ways????

So as of today, I am officially starting my triathlon training and going to the basement for a few miles on the trainer. Mind you my bike has been on the trainer since November and we've only connected once.

I forgot to mention that I actually lost a pound in my Biggest Loser contest last week. At this rate, I'll be down my ten pounds in ten weeks! This stuff is really hard, I'm dreaming about food.........
Monday, May 10, 2010 4 comments

Twenty Miler my Arse..................

We had our 20 mile training run for the team on Saturday and the weather conditions SUCKED!

I told the team if I didn't have to be out there, I might have stayed home in bed. It was cold and windy (again). I know that we had a mild winter up here in the high-five state but this wind is kicking our booties.........

The team stayed together for most of the first half, just to keep the pace conservative and have something left for the second half! I can't believe that they actually listened to me about this.

I can honestly say that this team would have done great if their events would have been on Saturday. There are a lot of times when some of them have some sort of issue on the 20 miler but not this time.

I'm knocking on wood that they don't go out and do something stupid, like try another twenty!!!!

As for me, I have got to find a race to run. My weekends will be free in another couple of weeks and I want to race!

Thursday, May 6, 2010 3 comments

Three Thing Thursday

1) Whatever I ate and transformed into an aliens in my digestive system has passed(both literally and figuratively). I'm still eating bland foods but my stomach feels almost normal. I even resorted to old school remedies, like eating Saltines and drinking Ginger Ale.

2) My little secret middle school track where we held our TNT track workouts isn't a secret anymore. A few Personal Trainers are bringing their clients up there to workout and run. I just tell my team to run fast and look good.

3) I am totally confused with this weight-loss thing! Even having stomach issues hasn't help me lose a few pounds? Once again, I will never judge people for not being able to lose weight, this crap is tough!

I'm also trying to get my Spring team together for a mini-reunion now that their events have concluded. Should I make it a informal afternoon BBQ of burgers and dogs with BEvERages or an evening of appetizers and BEvERages?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010 9 comments

Wednesday's WTF!!!

People have been getting sick at the office and that is never a good thing, since they come in and spread their germs to everyone!

Well this morning I was awaken with the urge to toss my dinner into the porcelain altar. Well it was more than a urge, it was actual.........

This is the first time in a long time that I can remember doing this sober!

I ran briefly with a co-worker yesterday that has been posting some great workouts on Facebook using his Nike iPod thingy. I've noticed that his time are being posted faster than he's actually running. Have any of you encountered this????
Tuesday, May 4, 2010 3 comments

TNT 2010 Flying Pig Team

Well we had another event where it rained almost the entire day!

But these brave souls completed their assigned goal of crossing the finish line. Congrats to the 2010 TNT Spring team.

These guys persevered through every type of weather condition and only bitched a little.............. ha

Now we have to set a date and time for our celebration of bringing the team back together one more time.

This season will definitely go down as being strange.......

The Paris team had people stranded extra days because of the volcano ash stopping all planes flights out of Paris.

The Nashville team had their marathon course shortened due to severe weather and now downtown Nashville is under water with no relief in sight.

I can't wait to hear what happens to Cincinnati...........

April was a decent month of running for Team High-Five. We logged 307 miles total for the month, giving us 1095 miles for the year. We're still on course to complete 1000 miles each.