Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday's Why

Okay I did brave the elements and run in rain, wind and colder temps yesterday and it wasn't that bad. The one thing that I was worried about was the automobile traffic on the streets, since no driver expected to see an idiot out running!

I do a lot of my running on either subdivision roads or two lane roads, so I'm always aware of the danger of being nudged off the road. (I refuse to say hit by a car)......

The one thing that has always fascinated and puzzled me is 'why is it when there is absolutely no traffic on the road and two vehicles approaching in opposite directions, always meet at the precise point that I running?'

It never fails and I end up running on the shoulder of the road on a 30 degree angle....

Why is it that when you only have a limited time to get your run in, you always feel like you can run forever?

Why do we believe a pair of running shoes only last 500+ miles????

I'm starting to see some major changes in my physique because of my weight loss.

Of course I have to squint my eyes and stand in one spot where the light hits me in front of the mirror and be turned with my right side facing the mirror and exactly 4 1/2 feet from the mirror.

Do you have a favorite mirror too???????????


Jess said...

I don't think running shoes are even good for 500 miles. 300, maybe 350, at the most!

Bethany + Ryan said...

i'm a new follower to your blog, i like "wednesday's Why" thats cool! very creative. :-) good things to ponder while out running. and yes, the 2 passing cars always seem to meet right near us! haha, funny, i never thought of that before but SO true!!

new websites said...

Thank you very much

CoachLiz said...

My Newtons are about 9 months old now and they still feel good. One more month and after I run Seattle I will change them out.

My last pair lasted me almost a year. Go figure...
