Friday, August 22, 2008


Well after a fantastic run, I was sooooooooo tempted to get in a few miles this morning although I always take Fridays off. I brought all of my gear and the morning temps were a little warm but nothing unbearable.
This would be great, I would run on an off day and be able to record those additional miles. Then it hit me, why do I take days off from anyway? Isn’t it to help me recover and be able to run better the next time? The other reason that I didn’t venture out and run is my ‘real’ job! I hate when work interferes with my play.
Tomorrow is the official end of summer for me, it’s the Saturday of the Crim Festival of Races and we wake up at the crack of dawn to drive to Flint, Michigan. This race is a tradition and even if I don’t run, I have to go and support the thousands of other runners that participate. It’s hell when you have these types of responsibilities to the running community.
WOD – 5 rounds of 20 assisted pull-ups, 20 pushups and 20 skull crushers using a 30 lb kettle ball.


tfh said...

Great point about recovery days. I'm sure it's no accident that I always have my best runs the day after I do no running at all. Enjoy the Crim Festival!

Kim said...

Have a great time!

Jess said...

It's tempting to eliminate those rest days, but really, they can be just as important as the days you run.

Enjoy spectating at the Crim!
