Well being the team layer that I am, I rearranged my busy schedule to attend(isn't that what Tivo is for)....
Just like so many things in life one size does not fit all. I tried sitting in one of the karts and immediately knew that it wasn't my size! I could just imagine my knees taking a beating.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm my knees are bad enough without being banged in a go-kart.
I took a verbal beating from my co-workers about not getting in the kart, but stuck to my guns.
It did look like a lot of fun, while I cried in my BEvERage......
What activity have you given up knowing that it would impact your running or ability to run?????
After my little ski incident a couple years ago and taking a softball to the ankle, I have pretty much given up ALL other activities... unless I wrap myself in bubble wrap first!!
My dad gets motion sickness in go karts.
Drinking and go-karting...ha ha!
Sounds like you made quite the sacrifice for your running there. I can't recalling giving up activities, but I have refrained from certain foods and drinks I REALLY wanted because of a run the next day. Ugh.
hmm can't say I have given up anything. But I'm not the fastest runner either
I'm sorry you got ribbed for not playing along, but you tried, Ken, you tried. Only activity I had to give up to run is sleep!
where's the pineapple pic from? is it copyright?
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