Sandy ran a 10K race on Sunday and I ran the last mile with her. She had gone out too fast and didn't have a lot left in the tank, so she was in survival mode. I was trying to get her motivated to push pass the pain and finish strong(that's what I do!). We were passed by a few runners and it got me to thinking(notice the pattern here?). Are you a 'passer' or a 'passee' when it comes to the last few meters of a race? Do you save something for that final kick or are you just hanging on to finish?
How can I miss a couple of days of checking on post in Blogland and come back and have 65 post to read????
I spent almost two hours trying to renew my runner's World subscription online. I like to think that I'm tech savvy but I finally had to use the telephone!!!!!
My son completed the Malibu 1/2 Mary and learned some valuable lessons. Don't go out too fast and the hills will slow you down! Kids, don't you love them?????

I try to save something for the final kick, in fact I often judge how well I ran by how well that last bit is. If I'm out of steam at the end, I usually think it was a bad run/race. I really like to finish strong, it makes me feel like I beat the course and not the other way around. :-)
I always save some in the tank for a strong finish. I think it's bad though. I have a feeling I'd be faster if I just gave a little bit more over the whole distance. I also kind of feel like a jerk if I turn it on and pass people in the last 50 meters, but I can't seem to help it.
Congrats to Sandy and your son on their races!
Congrat's Sandy!!!
glad your son had a good race, you always know it was a good race when you learn something about yourself, running & hills.
as for the Fog, that movie scared the crap out of me when it first came out....
I have had more strong finishes with lots of passing than vice versa... no matter how tired I am, I almost always have a little somthin-somethin for the final K (or mile...)
But of course I have my weaker days too. ;)
i'm definitely a passer, or i try to be at least! that's my fav part of the race - kicking it in past everyone.
anddd i definitely don't live in an active neighborhood. the one neighbor we talk to does always ask about my running, "they see me running all the time". there are a good number of runners in the area though, just not my immediate neighbors (they're all a wee bit hefty)
Congratulations to your son on his half marathon! Did he have a pack of women running after him? I am sure he did if he ran with his shirt off the whole time.
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