Friday, October 5, 2007

Passed the Test

Okay boy and girls, we had a preliminary test for the knee today. I decided to try a spinning class to determine if continued moving would be a problem.

Well, 30 minutes later I was still spinning with no discomfort what so ever. I cut the class short so I could ice my knee as a precaution.

Boy, am I a good patient or what?

I really surprised myself for being discipline enough to not try any of the standing positions. That’s another reason I cut it short, knowing me I would have gotten adventurous and hurt myself.

I’m still not going to attempt a run until the 10th of October, that way I have 10 days to train for the Detroit half-marathon!


Pat said...

and the grade is A+

Sonia said...

This is some great news!! =) hum... 10 days to train for a half marathon.... and I'm the crazy one?! :P
