I am so interested in trying out a pair of these but have never pulled the trigger for fear of wasting my money!
I inherited my mother's feet and thus have bunions on both feet. I've had one foot operated on to correct it but not the other.
Has anyone heard or read about what bunions and toes moving do when running in these?
I want a pair.. but not to run in. Just for yardwork, beach, etc. And I am terrified of touching the bottom of lakes/oceans so I could use them as water shoes!
I don't want to hear about your bunions...
Check with Jo Lyn, she just recently had bunion surgery, albeit, I'm not sure if she has ever tried these.
I'm like you, I just have that kind of disposable income to purchase fads.
why one foot and not the other? Did lefty lose a bet? Piss you off?
And I'm terrified of 5-finger toe shoes. They just aren't for me.
i have a pair of the sprints. i was running in them a few times a week (building up - i probably never ran more than a mile at a time in them) butttt have slacked. i like them, just too lazy to go out for a 1/2 mile run (until i build up) and then come home and change shoes for more mileage.
They look like they'd be able to accommodate bunions but I don't know of anyone that's worn them with both. What a great question.
And, you probably didn't see it, but my daughter commented on the nickname you gave my husband -- we all loved it.
I have no idea about bunions. But go to mama runs barefoot's blog. She may know.
I don't know how bad your bunions are but just walking in them can help straighten out that bunion OVER TIME.
A guy who shops at the same grocery store as me wears them. I always notice the shoes. One day I'll get up the courage to ask him about them. For now I prefer just to be creepy and stare apparently.
I have been gun shy to buy a pair as well. I don't have bunions so i cannot offer any advice there.
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