Monday, July 5, 2010


We just got hit with a heatwave and high humidity.

Now I'm not one to complain about weather, especially after Katrina so the running has been early morning jogging.

Where did I put that issue of Runner's World telling me how to survive the heat?

I'm suffering from a bad sunburn from sealing the patio shirtless. I know, I should know better but I had to show off all my hard work in the gym! HA........

I hope everyone had a fun-filled and safe holiday......


Marlene said...


Anonymous said...

Take care of that sunburn! Ouch!!!

B.o.B. said...

Sorry you are dealing with that heat we sent you. You can keep it for a little while longer. At least until I get through my MCM training. (Try aloe for that burn!)

Lily on the Road said...

We have receiving the same temps and humidity...I'm LOVING IT!

Yikes, not a smart thing to do shirtless, gah, that's got to hurt!

Hope you had a happy 4th!
