Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wake-up Call

I hit the indoor track today and my PT and it was just like riding a bike. Only this bike had two flat tires and the gears weren’t shifting. I was like the proverbial fish out of water.
The one saving grace was that I didn’t encountered any pain or discomfort.

So at this rate, I’ll be ready for the ½ marathon in Detroit in the year 2012!

It’s probably time to rethink my race strategy.


Sonia said...

Still no pain or discomfort is awesome!! I guess time is running out... I am sure you'll make the best decision to remain injury free in the long term.

I keep changing my schedule to go with the weather lol.... thank god its cool this week-end and I'll get that 10 miler in, after that it's taper week lol

Have a good week Ken

Jenniferlyn said...

LMAO - now you know that you will be ready far sooner than 2012. How about 2011 or 2010? ;)

I know you have it in you! I am glad to see you get back on the "bike" as it were.

You are going to do great things!

Al Durham said...

You have been hiding and I found your new blog site!
