I had an awesome run this morning and I just tied the score with work (Ken -1, Work - 1). If only the weather would go back to a few weeks ago and be warm in the morning and the remainder of the day.
This is the time of year when I can actually change cloths three times in the course of one day.
I wearing my gloves to run in, even if the temps are int eh high forties. My digits are the first thing to get cold and then the run is no longer any fun.
I had an uplifting experience during the course of my lunchtime workout. I actually smiled or laughed the entire hour! It was as if no one had a care in the world, everyone was in a good mood and the distractions of the outside world were left outside.
I greeted about a thousand people in that hour, even if I didn't know their names. As the saying goes, ' I gave my smile' to everyone I came in contact with and it made me feel terrific!
Of course that ended when I got back to my desk but it was fun while it lasted.
Okay, let's see if I can keep this streak going.
Just you wait . . .one old hag will spit on you and ruin your streak :P I kid! I hope not ;-)
I'm sure you made at least some if not most) of them feel terrific too!
Laughing during a workout? What's happened to you? LOL. I'm sure you improved everyone's day, if for a moment. I'll take your lesson and "pay it forward." Being happy comes easy if you make the choice.
I'm with you on the changing clothes. I actually used my heater this morning! Of course this afternoon, it will be back into the high 80s.
Workouts are great when you are in a fantastic frame of mind. It makes them go by so fast and sometimes you feel like you could just keep going.
Gloves? Already??? I am still in tank tops and I am excited that I may get to wear a short sleeve shirt this weekend because the early am temps will be in the mid 50's.
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