Finally, we can get rid of all the New Year's resolution people at the gyms around this country! I have actually driven to the gym and noticed how packed the parking lot is and just kept going......
If the lot is full, I can only imagine how crowded the locker room is going to be....
(Random thought alert)
How can you use the restroom facilities and leave without flushing, that's nasty? You're an adult with a job!
(Random thought ends)
So by the end of January a lot of folks have fallen off the healthy wagon and I can have my gym back.....
Is it just me or do you feel like being a regular gives you Carte Blanche at the gym????
You know, like trying to get the same locker each visit or the staff knowing your first name.......
(Random thought alert)
Who spits out their gum in the urinal with the splash guard in it, that's nasty? You're an adult with a job!
(Random thought ends)
I think the Denver area is getting all the snow for most of the Midwest this weekend, so we're looking at another glorious weekend in the mitten state to be outside.....
Wordless Wednesday
6 months ago
I will never understand why flushing isn't as automatic as wiping is... or maybe.... ewwwwwww
While I agree with your random sentiments, I like that you assume they have a job :)
Heading to Paint Creek tomorrow since its probably nice and clear. No auto flush?
If someone behaves like that in a public restroom, can you image what their private one must look like?!
Uhhhh dare one of those newbies take MY spot in class or MY bike in spinning. They get the stink eye all hour. Glad I can get back to my regular friendly self after all those Resolutioners scat.
It drive me crazy to find "messs" left behind in bathroom stalls. What is wrong with these people? Is it so hard to leave the toilet in a respectable state for the next person?!
is all I have to say here
In college there was a girl on my hall who we eventually started calling "the midnight shitter" because, well...she left it behind. She crossed the line one night when she cut her hair in the bathroom and left that all over the floor, sinks, etc. GROSS.
But on the gym thing, I don't have a gym membership. Which I realize makes me a bad runner. I really need to get into doing weights! Well, later, anyway. Notsomuch at the moment. Obviously.
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