Okay, when did we get so busy that I couldn't click to open an email????? WTF
I 've finally been introduced to eom (end of message)......
So now I'm getting email messages with just a subject line with eom after the subject.
Don't these people know that I still open the email????
So if you want to mess with some of your friends or co-workers, send them a message with eom.....
Wordless Wednesday
6 months ago
I've never even heard of this "eom" business. I must be WAY out of the techie loop. That, or no one sends me email.
I've never heard of this either. Wtf?!
I too am living under an email rock. Lucy, you got some splaining to do!
yes, I learned about EOM about 4 years ago and do use it....EOP end of post...LOL
This is a strange thing you speak of. I don't think that I have ever encountered it.
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