Why are people so surprised when you tell them that you exercise 6 or 7 days a week?
Especially since most of them are office workers.......
Wordless Wednesday
7 months ago
In 2005 they asked me if I would like to coach participants to run endurance events. I was elated and have been doing it since. Now I'm trying to spread the word of running to everyone.
...searching twitter...
An afterthought...Americans watch about 28 hours of TV per week!
And then there is this online blogging time ---> ; )
Because the average American probably doesn't exercise with that much regularity! But, you are leading by example that we all should be exercising that much!
They are wondering where you get all your 'free' time to do it. HA!
We workout people are busy people too-we just MAKE TIME for it.
Next time tell them 8 and see what they say!
because most of them don't understand that you make time for yourself, and enjoy it. others are too lazy.
Yeah 6-7 is just too much. You gotta roll with the 5 day a week program :P
No chance of that happening in San Diego, where every office is full of runners and triathletes. Those that DON'T workout 6 or 7 days a week are the exception.
The lazy Cheeto eaters are probably in the group that only exercise 6-7 hours a year. Don't feel bad, feel superior!
Because a lot of people don't love themselves enough to take care of themselves by exercising regularly. Lord knows I used to be in that group. I get a lot of crazy looks if I mention to people that I get up before 5am to fit a run or a workout in before work. But I feel great and that's what matters.
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