Why would anyone in their right mind or even their left mind, go to a speed workout with a bad left hamstring?
As Forrest Gump would say, '...stupid is, as stupid does'.........
That's right I went to a session that our local running store puts on and I made it through the 1.5 mile warm-up and 1/2 mile of the first 3/4 mile workout.
It's amazing how the testosterone kicks in and you have a brief instance of feeling good.
Fortunately, I came to my senses and bailed before I did more damage to my hamstring.
So now I'm going to religiously stretch every muscle in my body(until I start feeling better) on a daily basis. Who knows I'll probably regain all of the flexibility of my youth!
Wordless Wednesday
4 months ago
Ken, Ken, Ken. What are we going to do with you?
Happy Stretching! Hope it feels better soon.
We were just talking about good ol' stretch armstrong the other day! too funny.
hope the hammy feels better soon. take it easy.
Notice you mention testosterone, not adreneline. I don't know if women would push through this.
Good luck with the stretching!
Don't forget the ice and rubbing some Trameel on that hamstring as well.
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