Why is it so easy to get caught up in everyday life and neglect my Blog?
I have been swamped at work and when I get home the last thing I want to see is another PC!!!!!
I've been missing my boot-camp style workouts during the day and getting in my running in the evenings, which is totally different during the colder days. My energy level is so low and I attribute it to missing a good breakfast. Remember, the most important meal of the day.
Still trying to recover from the holiday spirits! Boy am I glad December only comes around once a year. We have been partying during the week and on the weekends. I'm too old for this..........
Okay, time to drag my sorry arse out to the gym.
I hope my membership is still active.
Wordless Wednesday
6 months ago
Tomorrow, have a nice plate of eggs and some toast for breakfast. The protein in the eggs will keep your blood sugar level stable and you won't be craving food at 10 am.
You are never too Old for Adult BEvERages.....
I agree with Lily....you are never too old. I hear you on the blog neglecting. I can't believe my job actually pays me to work these days. hahaha.
I think it's better for life to keep you from your blog rather than vice verse.
i really need to do a better job of breakfast too... hang in there, holiday time is almost here!
Holiday spirits... I like that.
December is killing me with all the parties and social events.
Not always time to blog either, days are busy. and you are right, sometimes looking at a computer is not what we wish to do when we work on them all day long.
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