Tuesday, December 29, 2009 5 comments

Going in Circles

This isn't what the Fifth Dimension had in mind but this is a way of getting in a run and not risking my life in the road.

I started trying make footprints in every lane and then proceeded to try and make a rut in one lane with my feet. The games we play with ourselves to get in some miles.....

I can see that the next couple of months are going to be interesting when it comes to getting in longer miles with the roads being covered in white stuff.

No resolutions for 2010 yet but I still have the Michigan vs Arizona 1000 mile challenge....
Saturday, December 26, 2009 1 comments

Day After Thoughts

Well Christmas was fun and enjoyable and I didn't get a single running related gift, which is great!

I did receive a couple of Green Bay Packer related items that I'll don on game day!

We had a rainy Christmas day which made for a horrible run, nothing like a cold wet run.

I'm gearing up for our 2010 challenge against the warm weather runners in Arizona. We're still ironing out details and rules. Any suggestions are appreciated.

We have our annual New Year's Eve race and today we'll be assembling race packets any one wanting to volunteer in the Metropolitan Detroit area feel free to contact me.

I hope Santa was good to everyone in Blogland.....
Thursday, December 24, 2009 3 comments

Happy Holiday Shopping

Got up bright and early, donned my running cloths and headed to Target, Wal-Mart and Costco.

Boy, what a workout! No, it wasn't bad since most people are either done shopping or were still asleep.

I am officially done with my shopping.

Do you think that I can get away with not wrapping gifts by using the 'green' better for the environment argument? You know who needs to wrap something with paper that will fill our landfills for years to come?

Wow, that does sound kind of convincing........

Now it's time to go for a short run in preparation for '1000 in 2010'...

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday..

Peace, I'm out!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 1 comments

Michigan vs Arizona - 1000 in 2010

First there was the epic Ali vs Frazier.

We all know how that turned out when you match speed, good looks, brains, and a great sense of humor against the likes of brute force.

Well, the High-Five state of Michigan has taken the challenge using it's speed, brains, good looks and fantastic sense of humor against the state of Arizona!

That's right, five people on a team running miles in 2010 to see who will be victorious. Each member is shooting for running 1000 miles but the skies the limit.

No rules or prizes have been set yet but it's another way to motivate each other. If other states would like to partake, get five runners(no ringers please) and get in the conversation.

Wow, what have I got myself into this time??????????
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 3 comments

Wednesday's Why

Okay, Christmas is December 25th each year, so why do I procrastinate on my shopping?????????

Monday, December 21, 2009 8 comments

Running with Virgins

A snowy path welcomed us for our TNT group training run on Saturday and it was the first time some of the participants had ever really run in the snow!

I still love the reactions that I'm getting from them, not only running in snow but in 20 degree temps. I was a little disappointed that we couldn't get in any good hill work because of the snow but we have plenty of time.

We had our 'Bad Santa' hash and there were plenty of BEvERages had. It was also brought out that I've been negligent in attending the weekly hash. My name is on the backslider's list!

Only three working days for me this week and then it's the holiday season for sure!

I think I'm taking part in a running challenge for 2010, forming teams in Michigan to compete against Pat's team in Arizona for runnign the most miles. It should prove to be interesting since our weather is so similar!!!
Friday, December 18, 2009 4 comments

T.G.I. not Freezin'

We have been fortunate here in the high-five state to have temps above freezing. Can you believe that? Maybe all of those fake emails about global warming weren't fake?

The office was really different today, since most people will be on vacation until the new year. There were smiles and handshakes and hugs. Wow, that was kind of cool for the workplace.

I am still logging miles without any discomfort or pain and it's great to feel good after a run! I had forgotten how that felt for a long time.

With only a few more shopping days until Christmas, I'm getting my list ready. This is a procrastinators favorite time of hte year. I've actually been in the store on Christmas Eve when it was closing. The crap you pickup then is amazing.

One of my participants from the Spring team has started blogging. Lisa's mom was diagnosed with leukemia and she joined the team, so go out and give Lisa a warm blogging welcome. She even has a cool name for it:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 7 comments

Wednesday's Why

Why is it so easy to get caught up in everyday life and neglect my Blog?

I have been swamped at work and when I get home the last thing I want to see is another PC!!!!!

I've been missing my boot-camp style workouts during the day and getting in my running in the evenings, which is totally different during the colder days. My energy level is so low and I attribute it to missing a good breakfast. Remember, the most important meal of the day.

Still trying to recover from the holiday spirits! Boy am I glad December only comes around once a year. We have been partying during the week and on the weekends. I'm too old for this..........

Okay, time to drag my sorry arse out to the gym.

I hope my membership is still active.
Monday, December 7, 2009 8 comments

Are U Ready 4 Some Football

I love this time of year because we have holiday parties every weekend. My Sunday runs suffer but it helps make me a stronger runner. That's my story and I'm sticking by it!

We are getting ready to get dumped on with some of the white stuff, which makes finding clear streets a little difficult. I've been scouting out some of the sub-divisions near my office just for the occasion of some snow running. Nothing like running in endless circles and dead-end signs.

The Christmas tree is up and waiting to be decorated and the Packers are taking on the Ravens on MNF. We need this victory for a legitimate playoff run.

Running is going well but I won't be competing in the Olympics any time soon.

Have a great evening out there and Go Packers!
Saturday, December 5, 2009 5 comments

Sub-Freezing TNT Training

This was our first TNT training with the weather Gods testing us. The temperature was 19º when we started, but the sun was out which makes all of the difference in the mind.

It still amazes me that so many people think they can't run in the Winter elements but it is soooo doable.

I still need to work on a few of them and their apparel but overall the team Rocked!

This is also the start of December Saturdays, which means holiday parties.......

This evening I get to party with my immediate and extended family, so tomorrow might be a really bad run, lets hope for the best.

Have a great weekend..
Friday, December 4, 2009 3 comments


We are finally getting ready for some December winter here in the high-five state.

It's humorous that Houston is suppose to get dumped on with several inches of snow. I wonder if Coach Liz will bust out the snow shoes?

The Spring team will get their first exposure to training in the elements, poor kids! It does seem a little cruel to have newbies running in below freezing temps and tell them to head into the wind!!!

I have been getting in some cautious miles but I do want to go faster!

I hope everyone stays warm and enjoy these last few weekends before Christmas.

Did I mention that I have to shop???????????
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 8 comments

Wild Wednesday's Whys?????

Okay, I hope everyone had a great holiday, I know I did. I purposely didn't use the PC.

Here are my questions for today:

Tiger Woods cheating on his wife????? WHY?

I know even Haley Berry's husband cheated.............

A 38-year-old former Miss Argentina has died from complications after undergoing cosmetic surgery on her buttocks. WHY??????

Okay, this is a running blog. I noticed this while volunteering for our local Turkey Trot. I'm not trying to be a running snob, but why do so many middle of the pack and slower runners love to get high fives??????

Does it make them run faster?????

We about to get hit with some serious Winter weather here, so running outside is going to be FUN!!!!