We all know about that mind and body connection thing, when everything is in sync and life is good.
Well, my mind and body are in need of an intervention!
Here's how today's run went:
Mind: It's gorgeous outside, let's go until you(body) start feeling it.
Body: My left hamstring is sending pain signals to you, aren't you getting them?
Mind: We just started running!
Body: and your point is?
Mind: Okay, let's go a different direction. Maybe we just need to see some new scenery?
Body: Okay, but I'm warning you....
Mind: Hey, there's a sub-division we can run through. Turn right here.
Body: Why are the lungs having issues? We must have gone at least three miles?
Mind: Let me check the Garmin, 0.33 miles.
Body: Have you gotten those hamstring pain signals yet? Oh, the back is queuing up some pain signals to go out next.
Mind: Hey, there's another runner, let's catch him?
Body: Are you crazy? I'm ready to shut down this operation, you'd better get back home.
Mind: Let me check the Garmin again. We gone 0.73 miles and you ready to call it a day?
Body: Don't make me send you knee pain.
Mind: Okay, tuen around and go back home. You big baby!
Body: Hey, can we walk back home?
Mind: No way! Just go a little slower and we'll be home in no time.
Body: The legs aren't listening to you. I think they're rebelling about listening in the beginning.
Mind: Okay, I stopping the Garmin. That means the run is officially over!
Body: Thank God, now can I have some ice and fluids?
Mind: We still have to get home, remember?
So that's how it went today for me. Maybe I'll do some Crossfit stuff to make it seem like I worked out today.