Since I've been having a lot of discomfort in my left hamstring area, I spoke with a Physical Therapist friend for their advice.
After a few motions/stretches, she determined that it might not be my hamstring but my piriformis or back!
When did I grow a piriformis and how did I hurt it?
Of course the logical thing to do is rest, ice, compression, etc..................... BUT I HAVE A STREAK!
I have a few stretches that target the area to see if that gives me any relief but I'm impatient. I want some instant relief.
But it is funny how this episode got me to thinking about how I've strayed away from a workout plan. I've need to get back to a formatted plan to ensure another area on my body doesn't feel neglected.
So what do I do? Oh da pain......................
Wordless Wednesday
6 months ago
Sometimes, streaks have to end.
Hmm. Do I have a proformis or is that a male thing? ;)
Give it the old r.i.c.e. treatment and keep truckin'.
just think next monday can be the start of a new streak. rest.
I think you should swim. It works everything.
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