Sunday, February 10, 2008


Wind gust up to 45 mph and temps near or at zero. I made an executive decision to forgo the 4 mile race and stay inside all day! The roads were hazardous due to the blowing snow causing ice to form on them. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Are these folks crazy? The race was going through residential areas where the snow covered streets which would have hampered running a race. Do you notice how much I wanted to run this race?
Back in the day when racing was my main objective to running, this was the race that you would use as a barometer of your winter training. You knew that it was going to always be cold but they had a pancake breakfast afterwards that made up for the frostbite.
Now that I’m older and wiser, I didn’t think it would be beneficial for me to risk my health at the expense of this event.
I told you I’m wise, okay it was reallllllllly cold!
I decided to get on my bike in the basement and kick out some miles in a climate controlled environment.


Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" said...

Very wise decision Ken.

Sonia said...

haha I understand why you did it, but not you can't hold the title of "crazy"! Not that you really wanted it =)
