Monday, July 21, 2014 2 comments

Welcome Back Kotter..........

Well it has been a while since I posted but I needed the break as much as I need to post going forward. I tried to remember exactly why I started blogging and I can honestly say that the accountability was one of the major reason. That same accountability is what I need once again.

Saturday, July 19, 2014 2 comments
Time of training - 10:30 AM
Place of training - Lifetime
Details of training (e.g. distance, reps, sets) - .25 mile
Comments on how training went - Feeling a twinge in my right knee, so I decided to cut it short and turn around. I tried another jog and the same twinge appeared.
Rate of effort during training - Minimal
Highlight of training session - None
Muscle soreness - None
Nutrition pre/post workout - Coffee
Quality of sleep the night before training - 93%(6h 52m)
Energy level before/after training - Average
Level of stress - Average, nothing going on
Level of confidence - Below Average
Level of motivation - Below Average
Identification of any self-handicapping thoughts - Raining and feeling like I was getting coming down with a cold.
Feelings before/after training - Actually surprised I went out to attempt a run. After volunteering for the Gopher the Gold race, I could have taken a nap. Didn't want to run but I knew I needed it.
Weather - Cloudy, 68 degrees
Monday, April 22, 2013 3 comments

Monday Again?????????

Damn, did those two days go by quick! It appears that our weather is trying to make a correction and get on track to late April temps. Seems like we've been in a grey wind tunnel for the past month.

Is it just me or have more runners turned to Crossfit to build strength and improve their running? I've been doing some of the Crossfit exercises on my own and even programed my own workouts. Have any of you sipped the Crossfit kool-ade?

I'm actually running on a consistent basis but nothing longer than 4 miles. If I feel any type of twinge or funny feeling in my knee I just stop! Not like in the middle of the street stop but stop and walk the remainder. So, I keeping my fingers crossed for a truely running summer.

I tried to purchase a Boston Strong Tee from the website and they were sold-out in no time! Damn charitable runners................. HA

We had a local marathon in Lansing and there was definitely a larger police presence, even to the point of checking bags.

My spring TNT team is headed to their events in the next two weeks, so I'll be training without them. That damn empty nest syndrome is starting to creep in.
Thursday, April 18, 2013 4 comments


1) Second week of receiving supartz injections for my knee. I think they're helping but I'm also trying to run more. Duh!!!!!!

2) Is the Mitten state the only area where the sun refuses to show? I am so tired of wind and clouds....... I'm thinking of getting a sun lamp to run with.......

3) Is it just me or have any of you noticed that beside the media, the only other people really talking about the terrorist attack are runners? It's almost like it didn't happen or the fact that it was a running event it doesn't effect the majority of people.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 2 comments

Rally for Boston

I've MIA from blogging for a very good reason. I'm lazy.............

I am running, albeit slow but I'm running.

Here is a clip from my Tuesday evening running group as a tribute to the victims of the Boston marathon explosions.

Monday, February 4, 2013 6 comments

Monday Moaning......

Once again, why isn't the Monday after the Super Bowl a holiday?????

Especially this year with a thirty minute delay due to a power outage! Oh my aching head........

This weekend was the Kick-Off for the 2013 Summer season. We had a combine team group training session. I am still amazed at the number of people that have never really run outside! Fortunately we had snow, wind and cold temps, so it was a great way to get them started.... HA

I also went to a new Crossfit on Sunday afternoon, which was really late in the day for a workout on Superbowl Sunday......

It was an interesting accumulation of people at the box(Crossfit lingo) and I was the oldest by a large margin. Of course that meant that I had to prove myself.

We did Tabata of Squats, push-ups, rowing, butterfly sit-ups and toes-to-bar.

It kicked my ASS!

I was so close to saying hello to Pukey on the drive home........

It got me to thinking about the last time I was so close to puking in the finish chute of a 10 mile race.

Have you ever puked at a race????

Friday, February 1, 2013 4 comments

