1) Damnit! if all the other time sucking Internet stuff wasn't enough, why did I happen across Tumblr? The really bad thing is that my employer blocks most of these sites, so I have to peruse them on MY time!
2) I watched 'Spirit of the Marathon' on the trainer the last two days! My Arse is sore........ I still love that movie even after watching it for the seven hundredth time. I originally watched it in Nashville the evening before the Country Music Marathon.
3) Maybe it's just me and my past experiences but I remember finishing my first marathon and going to the bar afterward to celebrate with a few BEvERages. It wasn't as emotional as it is for a lot of individuals that I've seen. I guess when I started training and the people I was training with, it was expected that you would finish. The time was the biggie, how fast could you finish. I never had the chance to even think about accomplishing something that normal people didn't do. I it just me?
Wordless Wednesday
6 months ago
Love Spirit of the Marathon, although my husband gives me a severe eye rolling whenever I cue it up on Netflix. That first marathon was all about me, I never considered thinking about doing something that most people can and will never do. Hmmm ... just added another pump to my runner's ego!! :)
I cried when I crossed the finish line of my first marathon, mostly because I was so tired and in so much pain that I was overjoyed to be DONE.
I LOVE Spirit of the Marathon! I cried when I watched it.
it's not just you. i knew i'd finish, i just didn't know how badly it would hurt. lol!
Yeah, my first marathon (back in 1997) was marked by how crappy the weather was and how cold I was when I was done. No tears. I knew I'd finish and I didn't care about my time. I'm not much of a cryer anyway, unless there's something truly sad happening.
I agree-- I was waiting or the emotions-- they just never came! I was more worked up thinking about it, watching Spirt, thinking about how I would feel. What I actually felt was relief. I was done and I wanted a burger. (<;
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