Okay, you take an hour away from me and then you make it Monday again?
What kind of cruel joke is this????
Where did my weekend go?
Saturday morning was the team group run and a couple of my participants were doing their first 20 miler of the season.The team is really starting to become a cohesive group of runners and actually feeding off of each other. I am so proud of them and the progress that they've made.
Sunday morning came so fast and since I was the Food tent captain for out local St. Patty's day race, I had to be there at some ridiculous time of day!
My crew was fantastic in prepping the tent and stocking the tables.....
Once the race began, I was the beer supplier for the volunteers. 8500 participants for this race. This race has exploded over the last few years......
I was shuttling beer back and forth inside a cardboard box for the volunteers and only spilled one!
Here I am the Running Redhead after she blazed through the streets of downtown Detroit. I had to put my box of BEvERages down. Why do I look like I should be picking up trash on the side of the road?
Long story short, much fun was had by all........
Now it's Monday......................
Wordless Wednesday
6 months ago
This has to be the BEST time of the year...clocks ahead, spring is in the air, no snowbanks to leap over whilst serving....errr, dispensing BEvERages.
Sounds like an action packed weekend, that's for sure!
You don't miss a race, do you?
Clearly fluorescent yellow was required for safety reasons, to ensure everyone located the BEvERages as quickly as possible...
I liked all of this except the part about the clocks going forward. So glad there were a minimum of spills.
Was great running in to you yesterday and well done only spilling one BEvERage! :)
My plan - and it is so simple it is downright ingenious - is you set the damned clocks ahead 2PM Monday afternoon. How hard would that be? No Brainer!
The "fall back" is perfect as is, so we leave that one along.
as long as you are picking up trash with a BEvERage in hand... all is good!
Hi nice reaading your post
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