Saturday, March 31, 2012 6 comments

It's All About Kathy.........................

Well the word must have gotten out that we have amazing trainings because I was host to Kathy from 'Got to Keep on Running Long' . This woman came all the way from Colorado to run with my group! LOL..............

Okay, maybe not just for that but it was great to have her join us.

We even made sure the weather was a little cooler to accommodate Kathy.

As you can see, I'm a sharp dresser and Kathy is NOT tall!

Since Kathy was a guest, I had to match her with one of the team that ran her pace. Kami our team mentor seemed the right choice, even if Kathy is a little shorter. Are all the people in Colorado this short?????

I assume that Kathy had a great time since her smile was present every time I saw her...

Notice her T-Rex arms??????

Lastly, here is a short clip of the women running through the park.

Friday, March 30, 2012 2 comments


I was talking to an older gentleman at the gym and he replied to something I said with,"well, I'll be darned!"

That got me to thinking of phrases that you'll never hear me say.......

"Let's do another loop to make it an even 50 miles"

"I just registered for the full Ironman"

"I think I can win this race"

"Let's put two more 45 lbs plates on"

"Do you think that's a dolphin, let's swim closer"

"What do you mean all you have is beer, there's no chocolate milk?"

"Okay team, it's too nice out today let's cut our miles in half"

"Okay, have a terrible weekend"

Thursday, March 29, 2012 5 comments

Three Thing Friday Eve..........

1) Just looked in my trunk and found two pairs of running shoes, my cycling shoes, Yak Traks, two old running caps and three sleeves of golf balls...... I need to clean it out!

2) Tall Mom posted about her first time.... She even had photos!

3) My first race was the 1985 Downtown YMCA Sibley Shoes 10k! First thing, what's 10k???? Why didn't someone tell me that you're not suppose to start with the leaders? Stupid is, stupid does..........
Wednesday, March 28, 2012 4 comments

Wednesday's Why????????????

A co-worker of came into my cubicle and noticed a couple of books that keep on running and asked, 'why are there books on running?' I spent the next thirty minutes explaining why there are books and even more information on the World Wide Web about running.

Okay, call me a running snob but I still can't get into these Mud races! A 5K with 12+ muddy and wet obstacles? I can always bring a post-race BEvERage to an event. I can also see a twisted ankle or knee that would keep me out of action for 'real' races.

Why do I always look at my ear-buds to ensure that the right is in my right ear and the left in my left ear? I'm listening to podcast and the radio.............

Why is Mr. "I Don't Need a Shower Curtain" back at the gym????

Why aren't there more weekday races????

Why is this week going so slow???????????

Tuesday, March 27, 2012 6 comments

Tuesday's Thoughts............

I haven't run in over a week, trying not to aggravate my groin issue. I can tell it's getting better just by doing normal stuff like sneezing and not hurting!

I've been hitting the gym more and it's beginning to get old.... There are only so many WODs that I can do without affecting the groin....

Our weather has returned to normal Mitten state March weather and I can honestly say that I enjoyed the warmer stuff. I was even tempted to start the gardening ting but I knew it was too good to be true.

The team has their big 20/12 miler this coming weekend and I need to make it as festive as possible. I'm thinking of trying to get them to go a tad further and see if they notice. What's another mile or two after 20?????

What would you do if you didn't have running and racing?

Could you just run and never race?

Thursday, March 22, 2012 4 comments

One Important Thing Friday Eve..........

I'm not sure about other areas but we seem to be having a rash of runners dying! Which may or may not be unusual.Here is another story that I've been made aware of and the request from the family:

This is a request that the Race director for the Shamrock N Roll received via email yesterday: 'My father ran the 10k Shamrock and Roll run on Sunday. He was running Monday night and was found on the sidewalk where he had passed away. He was really proud of his T-shirt from the race but unfortunately the EMS had to rip it up in attempts to bring him back. I was wondering if there was a way for me to get another shirt in remembrance of his last run?' This guy was 52 years young!

Are we kidding ourselves into thinking that just because we run or workout that everything is okay? Are our doctors excluding certain test because of our outward appearance and the fact that we maintain a somewhat healthy lifestyle???

Could some of these deaths be averted?

Should I schedule a stress test?

Should I be asking my doctor certain cardiac related questions?

Let's not kid ourselves to an early demise...........

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 3 comments

Wednesday's When......

Wow, never knew so many people that pee in Porta-Johns and take fluids from strangers get grossed about smells! LMAO...........

Okay, I sure a few of you have an article of workout clothing that should probably be retired....

Mine is currently a pair of running shorts that have a small piece of the seam on one leg coming loose. It's not bad now, but I can see it getting bigger and bigger. Okay, maybe I won't wear them to the gym but I can still run solo in them.....

What do you have in your closet that should probably be retired?????

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 7 comments

Tuesday's Thoughts....... on Smells

Since we're having a spell of summer-like weather here in the mitten state, I'm starting to notice more smells...

Okay, we all know that the workout laundry can be somewhat daunting at times, so to cut a corner, I will where my running shorts to the gym for a strength training session. Who sweats that much in the gym???? I should be able to run in them in the evening without worry, right? OMG, the smell! Good thing I was running solo........

I'm not sure when I purchased my New Balance Minimus but I love them! I use them for my gym workouts, as well as short mileage on the track or treadmill. These puppies are saving my sock usage too. There in lies the problem, no sock to absorb the foot sweat.... Now, I honestly believe foot sweat is probably high on the list of bad odors that the body emits. These things are starting to reek and I can't leave them in my gym bag anymore.

So, has there ever been a time when you knew you stanked?

I think it's true what they say about old-person smell...............

Monday, March 19, 2012 10 comments

Weekend Recap.............

So I survived a weekend of not sleeping in and consuming mass volumes of alcohol..........

This was the start of my early Saturday morning. Can you notice the eerie fog in the background?

We also had the pleasure of Detroit Runner Jeff, standing in the neon green shirt! Since the temps are above normal, I find that our water stations need to be more frequent. So this means, so running for me!

Notice all of the ladies are donning shorts? This is unheard of in March!

I think that's another reason Jeff ran with us!

Since Saturday was St. Patrick's Day, there was beer flowing in our sub-division too...............

Sunday morning arrive earlier than I would have liked but it was time for the Shamrock N Roll races. Many local Bloggers were participating in it and I assumed I would see them all.

Alas, with over 3,000 participants in all the races, I was only able to see Detroit Runner and Megan from WatchMeGo Run. I was able to get a quick video of Megan finishing the 10k but she threaten me with death if I showed it! Something about looking dorky...................

So, finally I get home dead tired but in need of a run. I head out and the temps are climbing and I'm feeling like crap! SO needless to say the run was craptastic!

One effin run over the entire weekend and it sucks? WTF....................

I hope that each of you had a better weekend than moi.......

Friday, March 16, 2012 3 comments


No rest for the weary definition

You must keep persevering no matter how tired or overworked you are.

This is how I'm feeling this week! 

I've had some great workouts at the gym and the weather has dictated getting in evening runs.I even was able to make it to the Hanson' Thursday evening tempo runs. I needed my ass kicked..............

So, today I'm feeling like I need an additional day to do nothing but rest! But as the idioms says..............

Good luck to Marc Santia, who is running in the Rome Marathon on Sunday.

Okay, maybe I can get a nap in stall number two...............


Friday, March 16, 2012 0 comments

Three Thang Friday Eve.......

1) Those damn soccer kids were at the track again and of course the old guy had to show a few of them up! I was actually surprised that their coach didn’t mind me making some of them run faster than they normally do. One of those kids kept looking back at me to ensure I wasn’t going to pass him. Of course to me that meant, pass him! Ha, I smoked the kid……

2)  Tonight one of our local running stores is hosting their kick-off for a new running team that they’re forming.The Hanson's Yellow Team is intended for local competitive runners to train, learn and race as a team.How cool is that? So I'm going to check them out and see how much they'll offer me to join! LMAO.........

3)  I had the pleasure of taking Jeff from Detroit Runner to our wrap-up meeting for this Sunday's ShamRock n Roll run. He was in awe of the detail that it takes to put on an event and all of the people involved. It was enlightening for him and it always reminds me why I'll never put on an event!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012 4 comments

Wednesday's Why?????

Okay, I'm hoping this happens to a few more folks out there in Blogland. Why is it when you have a really good gym workout, you forget what locker you put your stuff in????

Why is it when I do an upper body workout, my legs are tired afterwards???

Why is it that all the men personal trainers at my gym are less than 5' 6' tall?

Why do all the muscle guys have their powder drink in a container after a workout and I have a hamburger wrapped in foil?

Why don't runner carry around those gallon jugs of water like the gym rats?

Why are all of the parking spots next to the gym taken??? These are the same folks tha twill get on the treadmill and walk for an hour..........
Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9 comments

Tuesday's Thoughts.............

How many races does a community need? Should there be a local race that you can drive to in less than an hours time on a weekly basis?

Okay, I've asked before but why do old men put on their socks before their briefs? They appear to love sitting on the locker room bench in the nude! Did something happen in their childhood that makes the dressing sequence socks, briefs, shirt?

Why do old guys (not me) think they can keep up with the soccer kids practicing on the track? The old guy (not me) didn't want to embarrass the slowest but wanted to show that he (not me) still had some speed!

Like most of the country, we are having some awesome weather here in the mitten state! I mean to the point where I want to wash the car, ride my bike, run forever and have a few BEvERages outside weather.

If I didn't have to do this work thing, I could think of a bunch more worthless stuff.........

Monday, March 12, 2012 7 comments

Monday Again????????????

Okay, you take an hour away from me and then you make it Monday again?

What kind of cruel joke is this????

Where did my weekend go?

Saturday morning was the team group run and a couple of my participants were doing their first 20 miler of the season.The team is really starting to become a cohesive group of runners and actually feeding off of each other. I am so proud of them and the progress that they've made.

Sunday morning came so fast and since I was the Food tent captain for out local St. Patty's day race, I had to be there at some ridiculous time of day!

My crew was fantastic in prepping the tent and stocking the tables.....

Once the race began, I was the beer supplier for the volunteers. 8500 participants for this race. This race has exploded over the last few years......

I was shuttling beer back and forth inside a cardboard box for the volunteers and only spilled one!

Here I am the Running Redhead after she blazed through the streets of downtown Detroit. I had to put my box of BEvERages down. Why do I look like I should be picking up trash on the side of the road?

Long story short, much fun was had by all........

Now it's Monday......................
Friday, March 9, 2012 12 comments

T.G.I.Friend............. RIP

I just found out that one of my running friends and age group competitor died of a heart attack while training for Boston. Bob Kosens was a regular at all of the local races and group training runs.

I can honestly say that Bob was doing what he loved when he was taken from us. The really bad part about it is he was discovered in the restroom of a local running trail alone. I'm not sure of what transpired and even if having someone around would have mattered.

I always used to crack on Bob for his well groomed hair, that never was out of place and always the same dark Clairol color.

Bob will be truly missed but as I said on Facebook, I'm sure that God must have had an opening on his relay team.

Thursday, March 8, 2012 3 comments

Three Things Friday Eve...........

1) Okay, I'm over the attempted robbery in the gym locker room. I have to remember to not take in anything of value with me. I'll keep it in my vehicle and hope and pray no one breaks into it! On second thought, I won't carry any valuables with me at all. I'll keep everything at work! Wait, what about the thieves that I work with? Okay, I won't take anything of value with me from my house, I'll leave everything there! Wait, what if someone breaks into the house while I'm away? Okay, I'm giving everything of value that I own away, so I don't have to worry about someone taking it from me...........

2) Sixty degree weather in the mitten state but the winds were 1,000 mph! I go the bike out again and rode to the track for a few laps. WTF, I was running 5:00 minute miles in one direction and doing my impression of the mime running against the wind in the other..... Winds SUCKS, I mean blows..........

3) We're having our local St. Patrick's Day race this Sunday and I'm the Food Tent captain. It's really a tough job! I have to run between the Beer Tent and the Food Tent supplying BEvERages for my volunteers. I also get a chance to throw a few waters at runners as they finishing.

I can almost smell the weekend.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 8 comments

Wednesday's WTF???????????

Okay, I know that the economic environment is tough for us all and sometimes people are forced to do things they normally wouldn't.

But go through my gym bag in the locker room while I'm getting in my daily dose of endorphins???


I don't even like going through my dirty gym clothes, how could a stranger???

I know that they weren't a runner because my Garmin and Polar heart rate monitor were in the bag and they didn't take them. They even left my extra jock strap???? Maybe it was too big?

So now I have to put my coat, gym bag and work clothes in a 3 x 1 locker.................

I feel violated.......... I need another shower.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 6 comments

Tuesday's Thoughts.......

Okay, I can really run without aggravating my groin and I can't lift overhead or press because of my shoulder strain. I've taken a couple of days off from everything except getting on the trainer and watching Glee!

It always seems strange to not have a workout, which gives you time to do normal stuff.

Do you know that you can wake up on Sunday and leisurely do things and go to church?

Do you realize that your body doesn't need as much rest when you aren't putting such a physical demand on it?

Even the washing machine gets a break when you aren't going through workout clothing twice a day!

Have any of you ever been in a race where a fight broke out? I remember one when one guy was spitting and he accidentally spat on another guy. Really messed up their finish time.......

Do you think you could outrun Jason from Halloween or some other killer???

Are you looking forward to Daylight Savings time and do you wish it stayed year-round?

Friday, March 2, 2012 5 comments


I was doing my normal run down Memory Lane and then I made a right turn....

It's always best to make a right turn versus a wrong turn down Memory Lane. The wrong turn leads to an undesirable area....

I started thinking about my running history and all of the races and training tuns that I've done and came to a conclusions.

I'm not a runner!

That's right, I'm a Performer/Entertainer......

I've never been a really good training runner, especially when there's no one to see me.

I get into a group environment and everything is totally different, I'm in heaven.

I've always performed so much better in races, where there are spectators and other runner.

Granted not all of the runners are as talkative as me but it never has stopped me.

I often jokes about receiving appearance fees for my comic entertainment in races.

So, going forward I will not consider myself a runner.

Maybe I'll just go by one name like Cher or Madonna....

Thursday, March 1, 2012 6 comments

Three Things Friday Eve

1) Damnit! if all the other time sucking Internet stuff wasn't enough, why did I happen across Tumblr? The really bad thing is that my employer blocks most of these sites, so I have to peruse them on MY time!

2) I watched 'Spirit of the Marathon' on the trainer the last two days! My Arse is sore........ I still love that movie even after watching it for the seven hundredth time. I originally watched it in Nashville the evening before the Country Music Marathon.

3) Maybe it's just me and my past experiences but I remember finishing my first marathon and going to the bar afterward to celebrate with a few BEvERages. It wasn't as emotional as it is for a lot of individuals that I've seen. I guess when I started training and the people I was training with, it was expected that you would finish. The time was the biggie, how fast could you finish. I never had the chance to even think about accomplishing something that normal people didn't do. I it just me?
