Saturday, February 28, 2009 10 comments

Old Man Winter Wins

Or should I say WTF? We were greeted with a beautiful sunny morning for out TNT group training run. Within the first half mile everyone was bitching about the wind chill and the facial pain it was causing!

How could I put a good spin on this situation? I did mention that everyone would have those rosy cheeks that we all admire!

For some strange reason that didn’t work. Wind burn has a way of taking away your sense of humor….

The park that we run in is absolutely beautiful because of the lake that we run around and the surrounding foliage, but not today. As we ran pass the lake almost everyone was holding their hands to their face to protect it from the wind. Of course I wanted to scream like a little girl but being the coach, I just cried within.

We eventually did find tree cover to block some of the wind but it was still cold.

Other than inhumane running conditions, the team did a fantastic job of completing their assign mileage. These people are amazing!

I sometimes feel bad for driving the course in my car(to ensure the safety of everyone) but I get over that pretty quick.

I continually tell them that it will get warmer and the running will get easier in the warmer temps, but they aren’t buying that anymore!

So, I am waving the white flag of surrender to Old man Winter. I put up a valiant fight but to no avail. I have been beaten both mentally and today physically by a better opponent.

I’ll give you your props Old Man………..

Friday, February 27, 2009 4 comments


I read in a post that the year is 17% complete. So with that 17%, I hoping that winter is 90% complete.

Work is ramping up to the point of possibly working on the weekend, which I am totally not looking forward to.

The spring TNT training is getting closer to their events and the miles are getting longer. We have 14 miles tomorrow and we're still having colder temps. I so want them to be able to run in shorts for along run and enjoy the sun beaming onto their skin.

Is that too much to ask for?

We'll be doing some 'event pace' miles, just to shake it up a little.

I'm still having trouble getting them to run negative splits but I have a few tricks up my sleeve for that.

Okay, I'll talk to you guys in March.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 8 comments

Wednesday Why??????

Why do those people in the weight loss ads always wear the same bathing suit? Is that the same size suit? Shouldn’t it be bigger on them in the after photos? Or do they buy the same suit in a smaller size? Inquiring minds want to know.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 3 comments

I Need Some..........

Insert whatever you want................

I have to get out in the rain and get in a few miles.

Gawd I hate running in cold rain, but what's a runner to do?

Got any motivation to spare?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 7 comments

Kicking Some Arse

I'm not the 'me' in this picture, but this is what they are doing to me at work!

Gawd, I am getting my arse kicked..........

I'm also being moved to another area in the building so I have to leave my comfortable little cubicle with a view!

Why do we get so attached to our cubicles when we only spend 1/3 of our day in this little area?

I went out for a run at lunch since the big ball of fire in the sky was out and the running worshipers were chanting throughout the building. It was a quickie but well worth it to clear my head.

Call it a nooner or a quickie, it still worked!

Days like today would be great days to allow employees to drink at work.

If they can have a National ride your bike to work day , why not a National Drink at Work day?

Where is my petition?
Sunday, February 22, 2009 3 comments

Everyone Knows it’s Windy

I would rather run hills every day in both directions than run into the wind. With hills I can see what’s ahead of me and mentally prepare for them. With the wind it just happens, without a clue or anything.

We were getting gust of 25 mph plus, but the sun was out and shining bright!

One of our Tuesday evening runners hosted a going away get-together last night. Add runners and a keg and you get a lot of BEvERages. So cutting my run short today was a no-brainers.

I tried making up for it with 100 push-ups 100 squats and 100 shoulder presses.

Now I trying to complete some work I brought home for a Monday meeting, why do I procrastinate???

Saturday, February 21, 2009 3 comments

You Won't Believe This...

We got more snow!!!! Okay, that's not anything new.

I did get a chance to read my 21-page consent document and the worst thing that can happen to me is death!

I think that's a normal disclaimer but there was a list of the normal things:

Urge to run

So, I have to go through an X-ray and physical to determine if I'm the right candidate for the study. So details to follow.

TNT Group training was great, we had cold temps but the wind wasn't blowing in the beginning.

Notice I said in the beginning. Towards the end of the run we were running in gust and the snow was starting....

We ran hills and a gold course today. I've never seen so many happy faces when I told them.

Okay, time to go blow some snow into my neighbors driveway.
Friday, February 20, 2009 10 comments

Clinical Research...

Okay, how many of you have been part of a clinical research study?

You know the kind where you can grow a third arm as a side effect of the medication!

Well, I'm thinking of taking part in a study on osteoarthritis of the knee.

Instead of taking my normal daily medication, I would be injected once every two months.

I haven't read the 21 page documentation related to it, so I'm not sure of all the details.

We're suppose to get dumped on with more of the white stuff this weekend. All you bloggers in those warm weather areas eat your hearts out.

I'm not going to complain about it because I don't care anymore!

Old Man Winter has beaten me down to the point of not caring.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 10 comments

Wednesday Why???

Why blog?

I'm still hurting from Monday's EXTREME class and Tuesday's run and this morning's spinning class followed by another EXTREME class.

So it's short and to the point. Why do you blog?
Monday, February 16, 2009 8 comments


How can I have 83 items in Google Reader? I guess I'm the only one slacking off in checking out Blogland at work!

The weekend finished with a good/bad run. It was good for me and everything was clicking but Sandy either pulled or strained a nerve in her glutes. I actually had to drive back a mile to pick her up and that NEVER happens.

So she'll do the ice/heat treatment and hope for the best.

EXTREME was extreme today. We had a class with no weights, just push-ups lunges and squats!

280 push ups to be exact, and a third of those were close-grip!

It's so pleasant to be doing push-ups in your own puddle of sweat!

Okay, I'm off to a TNT clinic on Nutrition and then back to reading my 83 Reader items....
Saturday, February 14, 2009 12 comments

The best-laid plans........

Today's TNT group training was going to be filled with hills and marathon-paced miles, but alas we received more of the white stuff!

The path was plowed but the snow continued to fall as we prepared for our training run. The footing was slick and made for uncertain strides.

So we just did the required mileage and called it a day. We did vae a few participants fall but nothing serious.

I have a question to throw out there in Blogland, so feel free to respond with your personal experiences about it.

My passion for running is that it's a place where I go to get away from things and focus solely on myself. I hate to stress out about my running because that defeats the purpose.

So I'm thinking of having a 'Run Like a Kid' week for the team. They've been training for over three months and are probably in need of a break. I plan to let them run without their watch, as far as they want o go and as fast or slow as they want. Just run like a kid, what do you think?
Friday, February 13, 2009 3 comments


This has been a long tough week. We were teased with some spring-like weather early on but it's back to normal. Work is kicking my arse! My workouts have been brutal and exhaustive.

God, do I love it! I have been running, spinning, lifting, pushing and jumping, like forty year old.....

They say you're probably sleep deprived when you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, well that is exactly what I'm doing. Who needs to watch the ten o'clock news?

We merge the two TNT teams tomorrow, so I get to beat up a larger group of runners.

What lessons shall I teach tomorrow? Oh what the heck, we do a few miles at marathon pace......

Happy VD weekend folks.........
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 6 comments

Wednesday's Why????

Why is it that when we get unexpected warm weather here in the high-five state, that it comes with either high winds or rain?

They are kicking my arse at work, don't they know I'm OLD???

Today was a 6:30 AM spinning class (since Runner Leana is kicking butt) followed by a one-mile run (my mini brick) and then the all important lunchtime EXTREME class....


Somebody is going to sleep good tonight.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 6 comments

I Survived

Okay boys and girls, don't drink like a fish just because you changed age groups!

I had a fantastic birf-day weekend.

We went out with some of my old co-workers on Friday for food and BEvERages, followed by an early morning TNT training run. They say I smelled like alcohol but I don't believer them.....

Sandy surprised me and had friends come by the house Saturday night, so I was forced to consume more BEvERages. It's hell being a gracious host....

I'm sure there was other stuff but I forget............

Good Times.
Monday, February 9, 2009 7 comments

Cancer Dancer

Our TNT Spring Team is probably going to adopt this young lady as one of our Honored Heroes. Check out her moves.......

Friday, February 6, 2009 16 comments

Birthday Weekend

I'll be changing age groups this weekend, so all you really old guys better watch out!

I had a tradition of running our six-mile loop in the park in under whatever age I was turning. It was a real challenge in my late forties but I've been able to accomplish it pretty consistently the last few years. I'm just glad to be running.....

I'll be with my TNT participants to ensure that they get in their miles in the most challenging way I can think of. For my Spring team we'll be having a mid-term test of sorts to see if they really are listening to what I tell them. I've charted out some unfamiliar territory for them to run on.

So there will be plenty of running and BEvERages consumed this weekend.........

Remember, it's not fast you run but how good you look doing it............
Thursday, February 5, 2009 6 comments

Give me Strength

Thanks to Pieces of Me for the link to Obamaicon me!

I'm trying to balance the running, boot camp, spinning and everything else that life throws at me, so when Thursday rolls around I am exhausted.

If you do the math, there are 168 hours in one week. Where are mine? I swear that squeaking in a run after work and attending meetings eats up the evening, since I ready to go to bed once the sun goes down!

But alas, all of us are in the same boat and continue to strive for better health even with the occasional pity party!

Okay, I got that off my chest (pun intended) now let get ready for a nooner, the sun is making a cameo appearance.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 14 comments

Wednesday's Why?????

Okay, here's the situation I have. We have a sauna in the locker room at the Wellness Center at work. I enjoy going in to stretch or relax and just sweat.

When I'm using it, I always wear a towel since that's the unwritten rule of the sauna, or at least I thought it was.

Why do people need to use the sauna fully nude?

Why should I be exposed to the sight of my co-workers nude body?

How do you approach a co-worker and say, please put something over 'that' part of your body?

Monday, February 2, 2009 6 comments

I Know some Amazing People

For my 300-mile Bike ride, I decided to have squares for SuperBowl XVIII. The payout was $100 per quarter with the remanding $100 going to my Make-A-Wish account.

Two of the winners donated their winnings to my fund raising. Is that amazing or what?

I want to take out the time to express my gratitude for knowing some truly generous and amazing individuals.

Thanks Tim Coyne and Dorene Stuart.

One of the other winners(Nancy Hardin) is adding her winnings to a road bike fund so she can take part in the Team in Training Century ride.

Yes, I am blessed to know so many good people..........
Sunday, February 1, 2009 7 comments

Super Sunday

It was definitely that in terms of the weather. We had sunshine and temps above freezing!
I decided to go to the park and run because of the traffic around the house.

What a difference a day makes, there were runners everywhere.

There were snow drifts on the path because of the wind, so I ran the path less traveled by most. This is a part of the park path that leads out of the park and uphill for the entire run and both ways! Hey, I just found another way to put on additional miles for the team in the upcoming weeks, poor kids.

Came back home to try and move some of the accumulated snow in a spot that it melts.

It's scary the amount of snow that is on the roof, so I even used my snow rake to get that off, which means shoveling whatever comes down.

Now I'm ready for some football!

Go whoever helps me win my squares!