Thursday, July 31, 2008 6 comments

Time 4 Nothing

I’m still playing catch up from the 300-mile bike ride both at work and home. The bike ride report will be coming soon. Why is it called a vacation when you fall further behind in work? To top that, I’m still exhausted from the ride.

Now that I’m detached from the bike, I can continue my Rocky Balboa run training. Remember, this is top-secret and none of my local age-group competitors must know about it.

I’m also continuing my EXTREME classes to ensure that every body part is sore, not just my legs!

Monday, July 28, 2008 3 comments

WAM 2008

Thanks to Lily for pointing me to the video site.

Monday, July 28, 2008 9 comments

Mission Accomplished

I survived the 2008 Make-A-Wish 300-miles bike ride. I missing some skin in very sensitive areas and my legs are sore but we did it. Thanks to everyone involved in this great event, we raised over 1.6 million dollars for Make-A-Wish. The gory details are forthcoming. I’m standing at my desk as I input this!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 5 comments

My Weekend Plans

This song is going to get me through the weekend.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 8 comments

Yo Adrienne

Since I’m not cycling, I can focus on my ‘Top-secret Rocky Balboa’ training. I’m still car-pooling which means getting into work at an un-godly (6:00 AM) hour of the morning. The heat and humidity have been almost unbearable during the day, so I’m running down by the Detroit River in the morning when I arrive at work.

When I first started doing this, I was still suffering from my cold and couldn’t help but cough out the yellow slimy lubricating substance consisting mostly of mucins and water the coats and protects mucous membrane. So it was difficult to get in a consistent pace and distance, thus the Rocky reference. I wasn’t able to make it to the top of the steps. Now that the cold is on the way out, I’m running better and even enjoying the sun rising over the horizon. Not really but it always sound good, I hate running in the morning, my body is still asleep.

You can always tell when your training isn’t going according to plans, when you make it top-secret!

My real workout of the day was four rounds of:

20 Wall ball with 25 lb medicine ball
20 Pull-ups
20 Pushups

I’ve come to the conclusion that I hate Wall balls!

Sunday, July 20, 2008 4 comments

Weekend Recap

The weekend was one long ride after another. Since my 300-mile bike ride is only days away, I accumulated 100 miles this weekend. Okay I know it wasn’t in one day but tell that to my butt!

Now I am officially in bike taper mode, which ironically means that I’ll be running the remainder of the week.

I’m preparing my list of items to take along for the ride and this is where it gets a little tricky. We’re not supposed to bring more than 50 pounds, which is really tough since we have to bring a tent and all of the associated camping items. I’m not a camper per se, so I need to bring anything that I might remotely need. I’m notorious for over-packing, so why not take a third lawn chair for our guest around the tent at night?

I’m still in awe of you tri-geeks out there in Blogland that get off your bikes and go for a run. Unless I’ve dropped something of real value while I was riding, I have no need to go anywhere, especially running! I’m exhausted and in the mood for an adult BEvERage when I’m done with a century ride.

Friday, July 18, 2008 10 comments


What do you ladies do with the couch that is normally in the Ladies restroom? We don’t have a couch or anything to sit on while we’re in the john.

What age do kids learn to eat an Oreo by separating the two sides?

Who decided to put verbiage on the back of women’s shorts?

Why don’t automobile drivers like cyclist and why don’t cyclist like runners?

Why does my co-worker in the next cubicle email me work related questions?

Why didn’t the executives at the Big Three realize that the price of gas was going up?

Here are the results of the Funniest (Made me Wet my Pants) Movie question:

1. Airplane

2. Old School & Christmas Vacation

3. Animal House
