Okay, so all of you were laughing and making fun of me in regards to my obsession with killers while running in the dark.
Well last night proved all of you wrong!
No, I wasn't killed or even attacked. But I did encounter another person on the track in the dark (insert scary music)!!!!
Here I am running in my running vest with a headlamp and just looking the part of a runner, when all of a sudden I notice the silhouette of a person approaching the track!
I really couldn't make out if it was a male or female but I kept an eye of them. I didn't notice if they were carrying a knife or rope or any kind of weapon but they were on the track.
So as I got closer to this person, I noticed that they were wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. Who wears that crap to run/walk on the track at night in the cold? That's the normal attire for killers.....
As I passed them, I made sure that I was passing with a burst! Making sure that they would have to exert some energy to catch and kill me. It's amazing how nothing hurts or how much faster you can go when your life depends on it....
I'm sure that my speed and massive build gave him second thoughts about killing me!
So I survived another run in the dark.... but I'm sure I'll see that stranger again.
Wordless Wednesday
7 months ago
Does Sandy have your blog password so she can let us know when you eventually get whacked?
There was a guy at the track where I ran last night who was tall and wearing much of the same get up you described here and there was even a moment where I thought to ask him if he was Ken but then I thought, no way Ken drove down to A2, so I just kept on running...
Glad you made it through your run without anything going awry!
I might have crapped myself right then and there. Seriously. No one runs in clothes like that in the dark.
Glad you survived the run. Be careful out there. ;o)
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