Friday, October 29, 2010 7 comments


The best way is to just blurt it out...........

"I ran on a treadmill", there I said it!

Boy do I feel better. This is just between you and I. I haven't told anyone locally about it, for fear of ridicule....

The skies have been gray and the winds have been brutal, this combined with my lack of motivation were a recipe for staying inside.

Boy, I didn't realize how hard it is to run on those contraptions!

I almost fell about twenty times and I was only on it for fifteen minutes.

So don't think any less of me for this indiscretion but I did 'run'...........

Okay, everyone have a great weekend and run like you stole it!
Thursday, October 28, 2010 7 comments

Three Things Thursday...........

1) This has been a strange week in terms of running and blogging. I just haven't been motivated to do either. All I want to do is eat and sleep, no I am not pregnant! I attribute the change in seasons, this is when my S.A.D.(Seasonal Affective Disorder) kicks in............

2) I start back on the Team in training Informational meetings next week. Bring on the new meat!

3) Sunday I'll be waking up at the butt-crack of dawn to volunteer again but for a worthy cause. I'll be parking vehicles in Hell, literally............Here's what will be happening in our neck of the woods:

    If you have been a runner in Michigan for the last several years then you undoubtedly know or have seen Dolores and Harrison Hensley. They put on the Run Thru Hell Race for many years which was a quality event that thousand of runners competed in. They would also travel to races every weekend and even go to mid week races. Dolores would help with registration and work the finish chute and Harrison would take with him entry forms from hundreds of races so runners could look through them and take the forms home. They were very active and important people in the Michigan running community. This all came to end in November of 2008 when Dolores suffered a stroke. Now these once active and vibrant people are confined to their house. They miss seeing all the runners every weekend and we miss
    seeing their smiles and all the help they brought to the race.

    This race is for them. This is a one time race that will not be held again. The
    entire entry fee will go to the purchase of a wheelchair assessable minivan
    so Dolores and Harrison can once again go to the races.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 4 comments

Wednesday's WTF?????????

Seventy Miles per Hour WIND??????

I need to get in a run and this is the type of weather that you give me? WTF???????????

I was perusing some race photos of my son's 1/2 Mary in LA and I caught myself looking at the people that are around him....

Not to say that you can tell how fast a person runs by their photo, but ..................

So it got me to thinking about some of the things that I notice at races.

Do you look at other peoples shoes, just to get an idea of what's popular????

Clothing is sometimes an indicator of a person's speed........

Are you married to a particular brand and try to match???

There's always one guy in a race that has on cut-off jeans or regular shorts....

Locally, we have one guy that wears the American Flag colors at every race he enters..........

Do you have any strange/different takes????????
Sunday, October 24, 2010 4 comments

Who Needs to Run?????????????

I do, that's who...............

But I'm taking my own advice(after listening to most of you) and resting/rehabbing my knee and overall body.

As it turns out, I was able run vicariously through my son as he ran the L.A. 1/2 Marathon.....

He missed his sub 1:45 by five minutes but he mentioned a few hills late in the race got to him, but he was happy with the results.

I'm headed to the gym and then veg in front of the television with some football.

Hey, did I mention the Giants are in the World Series????

Now I need to get my Packers back on track and smash that guy that wears number four in purple........
Friday, October 22, 2010 3 comments

WTF riday..........................

I went out for a little morning jog to see if all the parts were still functional. I'm not sure how I looked but this is how I was feeling........

This is where Digital Underground breaks in with............

'People say ya look like M.C. Hammer on crack, Humpty
That's all right 'cause my body's in motion
It's supposed to look like a fit or a convulsion'


How could I forget how to run?????

So, I'm becoming a jockey! Let the horse do all of the work, I'll just go along for the ride....

Let's hope more rest and stronger drugs help.
Thursday, October 21, 2010 6 comments

Three Things Thursday

1) after reading several other blogs and the disappointments of recent races and not registering for Boston, there are a lot of people that could be having pity parties but we're all resilient. This puts me in a good mental state!

2) I'm determined to lose 10 pounds and try to maintain a optimal running weight! I don't care if it kills me.........

3) My Wonky knee feels great(If I don't run). So who needs to go see a doctor, I'm fine...........
Wednesday, October 20, 2010 7 comments

Wednesday's Why Me????????

What do you do when life throws you lemons? You find another sucker to throw them at..........

I started to go down the Nancy Kerrigan route and have a pity party after a disappointing 1/2 Mary in Detroit, but that's not me!

Just because Wonky knee and Throbbing toe decided to accompany me this past Sunday morning, that meant only one thing..............


The bridge to Canada and it got crowded since we only had one lane to run in....

Coming off that damn bridge...

Proof that I was in another country, those people thought I was crazy....

How could you not stop for this?????

This is looking back at the Detroit Riverfront.

Okay, now I get to go into the tunnel back to the USA..........

Ha, I made it out of that how steamy tunnel.........

The spectator couldn't believe I asked her to take this photo. I kidded her about hurrying up so I would have a good finish time........

So now I have to make some decisions about my knee............ Why ME?????????????????
Friday, October 15, 2010 10 comments

WTF riday?????????????

How the hell do I get behind in reading your blogs????

I have over a 170 post to read(yeah, like that's going to happen)...................

I have the Detroit 1/2 Marathon this Sunday and guess what I did???????

I think I broke my toe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I stumbled up the stairs and banged the f#@k out of it.....

I haven't run since Tuesday and walking is starting to get better......

How can you hurt yourself going up steps?????

I'll be testing it out either today or tomorrow for a short run.

The weather is suppose to be perfect for the marathon and the 1/2.

We have a group tradition on packet pick-up day of indulging in a few BEvERages on the parking lot rooftop. This is a great time to see old friends and get ready.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a good toe and Wonky knee not to show up....

Tuesday, October 12, 2010 4 comments

Tuesday's Thoughts

Why do drivers get so upset at another human being running on the shoulder of the road, facing traffic and minding my own business????? I had a gentleman slow down to roll his window down, lean towards the window and exclaim how well I was looking while I ran(I'm assuming this is what he was yelling)........ I wasn't bothering or hampering traffic at the time and I was fully dressed this time!

I also think the local road commission is out to get me! They've installed SMART traffic signals on the route that I run. These signals are great when you're driving, they regulate the signals according to the traffic flow, but I was almost killed the other day! Everyone knows if one side of the signal is 'red', the other side has to be 'red! Well not so with these signals.............. so be aware if you think your local road commission is out for you too!

It was another great weekend of racing and it sounds like the heat in Chicago got to a few people but overall everyone had a fantastic time.

This is Freep(Free Press marathon and 1/2 marathon) Week in the Detroit area and it seems like the weather is going to cooperate. we're looking at temps in the fifties and sunshine.......... oh yeah......
Thursday, October 7, 2010 6 comments

Three Things Thursday...........

!) Is it just me or is there a direct correlation between gorgeous Fall weather and inability to run? My Effinn Wonky knee has returned and I'm being smart about resting it.

2) Aron@runner's ramble posted about people knowing she was a runner even though she never talks about it! Well, I'm the runner guy at work and it never ceases to amaze me that non-runners approach me with all their questions. Yes, I run in the winter!

3) Speaking of work, out CEO is coming from the U.K. next week to participate in the Detroit marathon on our company relay team. We're trying to setup something at work to give the area a Runner's look. Other than bringing in a few marathon posters from home, any other ideas??????

Damn Wonky knee...................
Wednesday, October 6, 2010 2 comments

Women are Tough or Crazy...........

So running a marathon is tough?????????? OUCH!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010 5 comments

Wednesday's Why?????

Since I was already at the start line of the race Sunday packing the failed archway, I had some time to talk to the owner of the Timing company.

I've seen his employees at various races and even know another friend that started his own timing company with his wife.

So this got me to thinking about other ventures that I could have embarked upon.........

Why didn't I:
  • Create that local running website that would generate tons of advertising revenue?
  • Create that Fantasy football website that would charge leagues to use?
  • Create a middle of the pack running magazine?
  • Create a wholesome nutritious beverage that taste like beer?
  • Create the Duct tape shoe ID(pre-Road-id)?
I probably would be rubbing elbows with Bill Gates and the likes.........

What wacky idea have you had going around in your head????
Monday, October 4, 2010 8 comments

Help Wanted: Fluffer

If you're not familiar just Google 'fluffer'. That's what we needed yesterday before the start of the Brooksie races...

There we were with just one blower(wow, this is really getting graphic) trying to erect(I could have said inflate) a 53 foot archway!!!

After an hour of blowing, the damn archway was sagging in the middle. We had about ten minutes to get it up or pull it off the road.....

An executive decision was made and we pulled it from the road. So, I spent my Sunday morning in vain! Poor me.......

As I stood at the start line in my shame and disappointment, a voice came from no where. No, it wasn't God........... it was that Running Redhead!

She was there to support and cheer her significant other Spike, who I believe ran a 1:29:09 1/2 Mary................... She sure is short!!!!!

We didn't have a lot of time to talk because that damn arch wasn't putting itself away and she was freezing in the brisk Michigan fall weather........

After cleaning the start line area, I donned my running apparel and took off to cheer and run with some of my peeps.

I always love seeing the lead runners as they fly by effortlessly.

I was able to run with a few runners that wanted to run sub 2:00 and push them the last mile. It always amazes me how seeing a friendly face gets the energy going again.

No, I didn't sneak up on this runner.

Of course I had to run with my alumni.........

This race has grown by leaps and bounds in just three years, there were over 3600 people in the 1/2 marathon alone.

It turned out to be a very good football Sunday also. The Packers won and my fantasy team won........ Ah, life is good again.......

From reading some your blogs, it was a good race weekend......

Stay classy Blogland.
Saturday, October 2, 2010 3 comments

When it Rains..........

I don't know about you but I find it extremely difficult to drag my arse out of bed for a morning run in the rain!

Fortunately, I was able to connect with the Fall TNT group, as they taper for their events.

It's so cute to see how nervous they get as their event gets closer. You would think they had money riding on it.

When you're chatting and running, the rain doesn't seem to come down as hard as when you're running solo. I kept reminding them how much of a bad-ass they were to be out in the rain.

Now that that's out of the way, I can get my Drinkend started........................

just kidding.......
Friday, October 1, 2010 5 comments


Okay who stole September from me?????

Do you know what happens next in the high-five state? We'll be watching snow fall in a few minutes.....

This weekend we're looking at lows in the mid to low thirties!!! I ain't ready..........

On a good note, it's October and I'm still running on a regular basis. The last few years, I was shutting down my running in the last few months of the year.

This Sunday I get to volunteer for the Brooksie, a local 1/2marathon, where I'm in charge of the starting line archway! Now I don't mind doing whatever I have to do for an event. I picked up horse crap on a racetrack for another event earlier this year. But when you're putting up the starting arch, you have to be there early........... It seemed like a good idea at the time when I said yes......... oh well, who needs sleep.

Not only am I behind in reading blogs, I'm two weeks behind in watching The Biggest Loser.....

I must be really busy doing something.........

Okay, get out there and get in some miles.