If you're not familiar just Google 'fluffer'. That's what we needed yesterday before the start of the Brooksie races...
There we were with just one blower(wow, this is really getting graphic) trying to erect(I could have said inflate) a 53 foot archway!!!
After an hour of blowing, the damn archway was sagging in the middle. We had about ten minutes to get it up or pull it off the road.....
An executive decision was made and we pulled it from the road. So, I spent my Sunday morning in vain! Poor me.......
As I stood at the start line in my shame and disappointment, a voice came from no where. No, it wasn't God........... it was that
Running Redhead!

She was there to support and cheer her significant other Spike, who I believe ran a 1:29:09 1/2 Mary................... She sure is short!!!!!
We didn't have a lot of time to talk because that damn arch wasn't putting itself away and she was freezing in the brisk Michigan fall weather........
After cleaning the start line area, I donned my running apparel and took off to cheer and run with some of my peeps.
I always love seeing the lead runners as they fly by effortlessly.
I was able to run with a few runners that wanted to run sub 2:00 and push them the last mile. It always amazes me how seeing a friendly face gets the energy going again.
No, I didn't sneak up on this runner.

Of course I had to run with my alumni.........

This race has grown by leaps and bounds in just three years, there were over 3600 people in the 1/2 marathon alone.
It turned out to be a very good football Sunday also. The Packers won and my fantasy team won........ Ah, life is good again.......
From reading some your blogs, it was a good race weekend......
Stay classy Blogland.