I have a love/hate relationship with the beginning of the holiday season. I love the fact that the holidays are about family and friend. I hate that the year is coming to an end and winter is getting ready to bear down on us.
Thanksgiving was great and I had a blast at our local Turkey Trot. We had over 10,000 participants and I swear I saw every one of them as I stood at the one mile split freezing!
To top it off Sandy and I were able to get ten cases of Clif Shots that were leftover! We crammed the car until we couldn't get any more in. We'll give them out at the TNT trainings as an alternate to the gels.
No shopping or early rising for me this weekend, although my runs were less than desired. Running with a real hangover isn't recommended, so heed my advice.
This weekend will also be the traditional decorating of the house, so bring out the lights and the ladder.
Okay, time to get more of my football fix.
Have a great remainder of the Thanksgiving weekend.....
Wordless Wednesday
7 months ago