Once again, why isn't the Monday after the Super Bowl a holiday?????
Especially this year with a thirty minute delay due to a power outage! Oh my aching head........
This weekend was the Kick-Off for the 2013 Summer season. We had a combine team group training session. I am still amazed at the number of people that have never really run outside! Fortunately we had snow, wind and cold temps, so it was a great way to get them started.... HA
I also went to a new Crossfit on Sunday afternoon, which was really late in the day for a workout on Superbowl Sunday......
It was an interesting accumulation of people at the box(Crossfit lingo) and I was the oldest by a large margin. Of course that meant that I had to prove myself.
We did Tabata of Squats, push-ups, rowing, butterfly sit-ups and toes-to-bar.
It kicked my ASS!
I was so close to saying hello to Pukey on the drive home........
It got me to thinking about the last time I was so close to puking in the finish chute of a 10 mile race.
Have you ever puked at a race????
Wordless Wednesday
7 months ago
Dry heaves at Rock CF half two years ago. I didn't see you guys at Stony. Did you change to Sunday. We were at Stony from 8:30-10am
no race pukies for me
i'm sure you held your own in the tabata work :) every monday should be a holiday...
like the new blog look!
Like the new look too (even if I'm late to this party). I need a new post please.
Last time I wanted to puke was a year ago when you ran me in from Shamrock.
BTW, it is March now, where are some new posts? HELLO LA MARATHON SPECTATOR???
UM why is my blog not on the list you read at work?
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