Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesdays' Why?????

Why me??????

Why am I sooooooooo stupid and think that I can heal faster than anyone?

Yes, I've taken a few steps backward in my rehab, because someone tried to push the limits!

So I'm taking time away from running and doing any other activities that might hinder the healing process.


Anne said...

Ken, Ken ... Ken. Why are we so slow to learn our lessons. Why oh why????

o2bhiking said...

two steps forward, one backward, but eventually you will get there all the same. Hang in there, and Merry Christmas! Art

Terzah said...

I'm super late to this, so I hope you're well on your way to truly being healed by now.

Run Fast Mama! said...

Taking time from blogging too?? lol
