Since I need about 500 more miles on the bike to feel comfortable in the next two days, I've taken to riding after work at Stony Creek Park. It's been ten thousand degrees but people are still out there training(biking, running). Are we really that crazy?
I'm spending so much time in the gym that the Personal Trainers know me by name?
I am loving my Altras! Not sure if it's the shows or just my body finally acting right..........
I'm using WebMD to track my food/exercise for a few days. Damn those BEvERages add up!
Am I the only person without a smartphone?
So if people use running to lose weight, why am I gaining(don't mention the BEvERages)????
Are you getting excited about the Olympics?
If you couldn't blog about running, what would you blog about?
Wordless Wednesday
7 months ago
I've already learned that when I can't blog about running, I don't have much to say.
I don't have a smartphone either. Don't feel bad about that:)
3 out of the 4 people in my house don't have a smartphone....I'm not one of the 4.
I would blog about books!
Definitely looking forward to the Olympics. Love my smartphone, never want to go back.
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