Wow, how can I be 182,392 post behind?????
Okay, if you get a comment from me about your run a month ago, it's just me catching up on things.
I missed the great Blogger Meet-up in Dearborn, Michigan (we had our team 20 Miler that same day) and probably the birth of a few babies!
My Spring TNT team is getting ready to leave the nest and go off into the world of endurance events. They grow up so fast...............
My Summer team is reaching new milestones every week.
I'm actually running without aches and pains, which is really scary when I think about it....
I have fallen in love with podcast, who knew??????
We had our first group training run in the wind and rain today and no one bitched about it, except me........
Once again, I am soooooooooo ready for some summer-like weather here in the mitten state.
Okay, I have to get back to reading post from March 15th, check you on the flip side......
Wordless Wednesday
7 months ago